

Staff member
No, that's fine, I would just think that adding seeded substrate would help prevent a cycle. Try adding more sand.


***Day 18***
It's day 18 and all is well. My fist in the QT seem happy. My main tank is starting to get some green algea, but I have had the lights on a lot latly. (just got new lights and I wanted to see them in action) Now I'm cutting back to 8 hours a day... hope that helps. My LFS had a purple firefish, which they NEVER have, and I wanted to buy it soo bad, but I cant for a few more weeks. this hobby is ruff.. *sigh
Focker Out!~*


I have a question, if you dump the sand into the qt after the salinity is already lowered, Dont the bacteria die due to increased osmosis across the cell wall and membranes, causing it to rupture?


That may very well be true. I put the sand in before I lowered the salinity. I'm not even sure if the bacteria will survive the low salinity levels at all. You would have to ask someone smarter than me :yes:
Good question though
- JD


sorry to bring up an old thread, just thought people would like to know its been over a year and still no ich. hyposalin is a savior

red tiger

Originally Posted by iceemn360 http:///t/163271/hyposalinity#post_1195433
I also forgot to add that I used melafix and melafil whilde conducting hypo. It seems to have prevented any secondary infections due to bacteria or fungi. The clowns actually had somehting like a fungal infection that also went away after a few days in hypo. So far so good.!! just make sure to keep up on top off so that the salinity doesn't rise over 1.009. Good luck
Is it recommended to use melafix or pemafix while in hypo?