

New Member
I was just wondering, I lowered my salinity to 1.009 about about a week ago, but my salinity has been in the 1.015 to 1.009 for about a month. I have a fish only aquarium and originally lowered my salinity to kill ich(maybe amyloodidium). I just recently learned that 1.009 is the effective level. My fish are extremely healthy except for the cysts that are probaly in my tank. My question is can a lowered salinity have adverse effect on fish when it is lowered for a long period of time? And also, what is the lowest level of salt content of the water before the water becomes harmful? If anyone can educate me please do thanks :)


I have been told that the lowest you can go is 1.007 At this level the fish will not last very long. I am not aware of any adverse affects if kept at these levels for long periods of time. HTH

desert fish

New Member
Actually the lower the salinity the more strain on the kidneys since fish use this organ to regulate internal homeostasis. Eventually, and this depends largely on the individual, hyposalinity will cause kidney failure and death. The stress will also lower the immune system.
If you have had the tank hypo for a month with no sign of reinfection, it is very likely time to start raising the salinity to normal slowly over 3-4 days. Keep an eye on the ph as well