

Hi, i was wondering if i could use hyposalinity with puffer. I know sharks and rays are not good for this method but how about puffer?? Will lowering tank temp. also decrease or even stop spread the ich??
Thank you for your help...
:notsure: :notsure: :help:


Staff member
Puffers do fine with hypo. Lowering tank temp is pointless, and my stress your fish. Good luck!


Thanx for the reply beth. Will UV sterlizer help reduce ick ?? My stiation is this blue regal tang looks like going to have few ick and is scraping his body. I am trying to stop spead the ick.
:notsure: :help: :notsure: :help:


New Member
I tried UV and garlic, didn't work. My recommendation is go with the hyposalin, before u lose more time like Idid.


Staff member
UV will not treat an ich infestation that already exits. It may help prevent ich to begin with. Your best best is setting up a QT.
If you have a reef system, I would not recommend a UV.


i did quick fresh water dip for my tang (my lfs recommended this way). It worked like a magic, so far. Seems like it took care of the problem within 10 min. Its been at least 4hrs and he is doing well and not scraping his body against the rocks any more. Is this the best way the cure the ick??


Active Member
Thanks to Beth, I have been using hyposalinity in a QT tank with success, but have also been curious abouut the freshwater dip method. What is considered "fresh water" I assume r/O water with balanced ph, but what salinity? no salinity or low salinity? Also how long do you dip them safely? I also use a 36 watt uv 24 hours in my tank. I have 4 shrimp, 3 starfish, some snails and hermits and a small lobster, besides the fish, but no corals or anenomes, just live rock. I beleive the uv does help control the spread of ick and certainly other bacterrial diseases. If nothing else, it controls unwanted algae, at least in my tank. I feed the fish food which has been soaked in both garlic and vitamin c, and throw in some vitamin c in the tank as well periodically. What about vitamin c. Some people endorse this very strongly in order to help the fish establish a good immune system? So all in all, my ich battlers are, uv, vitamine c, garlic, cleaner shrimp, cleaner wrasses, temp of 76, and initially qt in hypo....but most times I can not do this for an entire month. Usually at best a couple of weeks.


I used RO/DI water for the fresh water dip. you will have to adjust the ph. It was my first time doing it so i wasn't sure if I did completely right, but i made that water like i was setting up for the fresh water but PH is set for 8.0 to 8.3. I did put little bit of "aquarium salt" for the fresh water fish. And that's it, i put my regal blue tang into the glass jar. My lfs told me to put him 5-6 min. but i put him about 9 min since he was doing well in that water. and i put him back to the tank. Its really works. i did't believe what the lfs told me you will see the ick falling off to the bottom of the container but i really did see them. Ick did fall off and its gone of the tang.
He is doing better than before. He acts really happy and does not scrape his body againt rocks anymore. I still do see some white spots but i am thinking those are scars from ick and hoping they will go away soon.
After i put the last fish in coming next week i may treat my tank with hyposalinity or copper to make sure to kill the hiddin ick (or prevent).
Fresh water dip may not be ok to do with sensitive fish. I have puffer in my tank and i am trying to do my best not let him get ick since it maybe almost impossible to do fresh water dip (he might inflate).


Active Member
thanks...i will try the fresh water dip on anyone who appears to be getting ich. right now everyone is ok.