

BTW, Trey (and other sharks):
Thank you, there are many of us out here that would be ENTIRELY lost without you.


New Member
ok i know that im way late on this subject but let me just add my two cents :
if givin to me the advice from the two i would have to go with trey.what everyone has failed to see here is that the science of keeping marine specimens in captivity (even in the wild)changes everyday what we dont know today we may know tommorrow.what we knew a few years ago are far outdated today so for me to take the advice of a scientific journal printed who knows when over the advice of an active hobbyist(doesnt even have to be a proffesional like trey)but any hobbyist is far more easy for me to apply today than something wrote in a journal regardless of who the scientist is.i'll be honest i have been reading on this board for months and i have learned so much from many of the hobbyists here.heck i only have a 10 gallon freshwater tank but i know enough now from what i have learned that if i wanted to setup a saltwater tank i could.i have learned so much more from here than any trial and error or lfs employee could have taught me..so my vote would go to the practicing hobbyist hands down.again im not trying to stir up the you know what.but what experience does terry have other than alot off access to scientific research i see alot of quotes and scientific terms than i see practical everday advice?...just a thought


Hello to all Hobbyists interested in hyposalinity I highly suggest you read Terry B.s and Trey's threads on this posting. Some of the best info on the web!!! I am posting just to activate this topic for you all. Enjoy! Joe. :)