

New Member
Has anyone tired the process of hyposalinity and what were your results. Or is quaratining a fish for a week enough percausion to take before adding a fish to your main tank?
Welcome to the board.
Try the "Disease and Treatment" forum and do a search, you will find alot of info on Hyposalinity treatment.


My huma had ich so i used hypo and it worked successfully. You really have to make sure your salinity is 1.009, because the parasites have been found to be able to survive in saline conditions of 1.011. For this an accurate device is needed. Refractometer works best...if you can't afford one get a good glass hydrometer instead of a swing arm. They are way off.


Hypo works...as long as you test regularly....salinaty and pH! pH will drop with the lower salinaty....so watch it...and do it per the book...don't rush...take several days to drop it...then 4 weeks under hypo...then several days to increase the salinaty level..if you do this it will be fine....and remember to KEEP IT at 1.009....no higher...or the ich won't die...no lower or the fish will...


New Member
What should the ph be at during Hyposalinity and what does it mean when it says us oxygenated saltwater instead of raw saltwater?
Thanks for all the inputs:rolleyes: