Hypothetical question about sponges

yosemite sam

Active Member
OK, my new deep water tank has been up and cylcing for a little over a week and I noticed something that I didn't anticipate when I first set it up. I am using a hang-on protein skimmer that I used when I had my 20 long. It spits out a few bubbles even when working properly that get blown around the tank by the current. I want to add a few sponges eventually to the tank and am wondering if the bubbles can harm the sponges. I know sponges should never be exposed to air, but what about a few bubbles? Any ideas?


Active Member
I have many sponges in my tank,some bubbles are produced by cavitation of the surface by the returns, No problems, never harm the sponges , Good Luck:)

yosemite sam

Active Member
Thanks for all the input. Hopefully any sponges I get will be OK. I have been battling with the filtration decisions myself. One the one hand, you are right, the skimmer will remove a lot of the food bits in the water that these things need to eat. On the other, though, is that you need to feed them a lot, so I don't want a nitrate problem. I have a plenum/DSB as well as a wet dry/refugium under the tank. I'm only going to keep one fish, but I still worry that nitates will be too high. It's good to hear that there are others out there thinking about this. What is your setup? Any suggestions, advice you have is always appreciated.

yosemite sam

Active Member
I love your tank man. Those are great sponges. I've seen picts of your tank before and I was wondering what those were. What kinds are they? I'm working on lists of potential sponges, gorgonians, etc. that people have had good luck with, so any help would be greatly appreciated.