I added a new tang today and my old tang is pissed off!! lol


Active Member
i added a fowleri to my dt with a purple tang and achilles .the achilles went at him for a few hours and that was it.
now they swim side by side.
move your rock around and have a place for the new tang to hide.
i qt the fowleri and goldflake for 6 weeks
put them in and 3 days later ich on my purple and achilles the next day ich on my fowleri and bluethroat trigger.
i am thinking it might have come from the corals i added.
well now i took out 300 lbs of lr,corals and inverts to my 90 qt.
i started the hypo yesterday ,so far all looks good.
i have some pretty expensive fish and from now on i will qt everything including corals and inverts.
if your tangs dont get ich i will be very surprised.
ich is such a pain in the rear.



Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Several things (knew this was coming). Again, it's not right to blame the practice of QT. When people don't QT properly, it's their fault, not the methodology of QT.
However there is one huge caveat you are leaving out when you recommend not QTing. You have to get healthy fish, from a good source. This is where it fouls up your 'majority' idea. The majority of people don't
get healthy fish. They usually get bad fish from a bad online site, a good online site that happened to slip up, a bad lfs, or a good lfs that slipped up. At this point, honestly, I think any QT is a better idea. If I was to try, say a Powder Blue from *****, or that LFS no one trusts, any QT will do. A 10gal, a friggin' milk jug even when risk putting that thing in the display....

That was my point too. Didn't really need the lashing from Mr. Crimzy. In an emergency, you do what you need to do. And it's a lot better than having to tear down your tank later to get them all out and do hypo when you will need a huge tank to do it.


Originally Posted by crimzy

You don't have many fish survive QT, do you? Or you just never kept tangs, sharks or any larger fish?
To the OP, your tang has a MUCH better chance of survival in your display than to throw it into an upgraded fishbowl for a month, (as do all your fish). QT is fine WHEN DONE RIGHT... with your stock, that would require at least a 50 gallon tank. The majority of people don't use them as they are definitely not a necessity.
BTW, the aggression generally subsides after a couple of days. Good luck with your tang... looks great.

Well I am soooo glad your luck has held out.... and yes I have tangs. In an emergency, you do what you need to do. My point being, putting one tang in a 10 gallon QT is a lot better than having to tear down your tank later to get them all out and do hypo on 20 fish because then you will need a huge tank to do it because ALL your fish now have it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by windlasher
Well I am soooo glad your luck has held out.... and yes I have tangs. In an emergency, you do what you need to do. My point being, putting one tang in a 10 gallon QT is a lot better than having to tear down your tank later to get them all out and do hypo on 20 fish because then you will need a huge tank to do it because ALL your fish now have it.
After 20+ years, it isn't luck.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a proper QT, (though I don't think it's the best option in all situations). I simply disagree with your advice to the OP, that he should spend $40 on a 10 gallon tank with a HOB filter. IMO this is not the best recipe for success.


thanks everyone for your input!
FYI: the tangs are a lot cooler toward eachother!
I'll keep you all posted on any ich that may or may not come about... FYI... if all my fish get ich... i may not need a QT b/c EVERYONE has ich... mine as well just turn my DT into a QT and not purchase anymore fish till after the ich dies off... just a though...

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by crimzy
After 20+ years, it isn't luck.

There's nothing inherently wrong with a proper QT, (though I don't think it's the best option in all situations). I simply disagree with your advice to the OP, that he should spend $40 on a 10 gallon tank with a HOB filter. IMO this is not the best recipe for success.

My friend allow me to respectfully disagree. When you perches a fish and immediately put that fish in your tank you have no idea if it is carrying a parasite or bacterial infection that is at a stage that is not readily seen. That IMO is trusting the luck of the draw. No matter how many years ( or more accurate how many fish you have introduced that way) If in fact you quarantine that fish you are at least giving yourself a time frame to observe that fish for potential problems. You are also insuring your self that you have a better chance of not cross contaminating your DT and lesson the chance that you will have to treat all of your inhabitants in the DT if it is in fact compromised


Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
My friend allow me to respectfully disagree. When you perches a fish and immediately put that fish in your tank you have no idea if it is carrying a parasite or bacterial infection that is at a stage that is not readily seen. That IMO is trusting the luck of the draw. No matter how many years ( or more accurate how many fish you have introduced that way) If in fact you quarantine that fish you are at least giving yourself a time frame to observe that fish for potential problems. You are also insuring your self that you have a better chance of not cross contaminating your DT and lesson the chance that you will have to treat all of your inhabitants in the DT if it is in fact compromised
I just wrote out my lengthy response, however in the interest of not hijacking this thread for yet another QT debate, I erased it. Let me just say that while you are correct about the intended benefit of QT, I believe that the majority of QT practice does more harm than good. See the advice given to the OP here... spend $40 on a 10 gallon tank with a new HOB filter and stick your powder brown tang in there for 4-6 weeks. I disagree with this advice.


some quick info regarding why to qt. A friend just lost about $600 worth of fish because he failed to qt new fish and it had velvet/oodinium. 90% of his tank was wiped out within a week. BTW, the smallest qt i ever recommend is a 30g with a good ho or canister filter.. I use a 55g qt myself.


New Member
What size is your Powder Brown (didn't read every post - nice looking fish)? I have a 120g that has FW fish (discus and black knife ghostfish) that I am waiting to croak - thought about trading them for live rock/sand. The Powder Brown is at the top of my Tang list, just trying to decide which other Tang to get. Really like the Purple Tang, the Scopas Tang and the Mimic Eibli Tang.
As far as a QT tank goes, you can always purchase a plastic "shoe box" (Rubbermaid, etc...) (not trying to tell you what to do), plus it comes with a lid you can lay on top of the shoe box, just don't seal it. Deep shoe boxes are available too. Just make sure the boxes are not treated for mildew, etc. Just my 2¢ as far as the QT tank.
Just noticed that this thread is almost a year old...


First off I just want to say I just got a powder brown as well, and yours looks just as fantastic as mine lol. 2nd of all my dad had a simular problem with an angel fish and his puffer. I read that if you move some of the decor around it will reduce aggresion cus it throws off there territory. Its easy and should take too much time!


Aslo on the QT thing.... I never QT my fish either....but I also got a UV sterolizer so I like to think im in a good position...however you never know
UV sterolizers work really well in my book mines done a fantastic job i had a tank crash once cus of ich (b4 i got the sterolizer) and I decided to thorw down the extra bones to get a uv sterolizer and everything has been perfect so far, water quality has improved as well!

crypt keeper

Active Member
I have been usuing a 30 gallon for the past year or so. I buy my fish small In the 3 inch range. The 30 long is about a foot smaller than a 55 and not as tall. My fish have included Tangs Powder blue and kole. Emporer Angel Blue face angel. Triggers and a eel. I have lost 3 fish in QT simply due to not eating. No other reason. They refused to eat.
My personal opinion. I qt everything except when I buy from friends who I know have taken care of his stock. Its not worth my hard earned money or the fish I have alreayd happy and eating.


Active Member
A straight QT does nothing to treat ich. It gives you a better chance of catching it so you can treat it before it hits the DT.... but trust me on this one..... a very very lengthy QT does not treat Ich.
I QT everything. I have thousands of dollars invested not to spend another 100 setting one up.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
a very very lengthy QT does not treat Ich.
unless of course you are of the belief that he ick parasite can in fact run its course in the same environment over a period of years and die


Active Member
I'm waiting for the studies on that one. At this point it's little more than speculation, IMO. Not gonna rule it out, but it literally has to be a minimum of 3 years and I think most of the studies are quoting a lot less time than that.... and that I don't believe.
But I believe I said a QT does not treat ich..... that has nothing to do with the self limiting factor.