I almost lost the Snowflake!!


New Member
I got a snowflake eel last night. Everything was cool, he was swimming around investigating the tank and rocks. I observed him until midnight then I went to bed.
The next thing I know my wife is waking me up at 6am saying 'I have some bad news, the eel is on the floor'. :eek: I think that was the fastest I've run down those stairs. Low-and-behold the darn thing is on the floor. I touched it, nothing. It was bone dry. Then I observed it taking a breath, I quickly put some of the tank water in a plastic bucket and tossed him in there. He instantly swam around, thank goodness. After about an hour I put him back in the tank and he decided to hide in the PVC piping.
I can only assume that he got out from one area. There is about a 2 inch gap between a powerhead and a filter, I put something to cover it. Hopefully he won't find other ways to get out. :confused:
One thing I noticed however, it looks as though his skin is peeling, kinda like what a snake sheds its skin. Is anyone familiar with this? Could it have just been because he was out of the water for a certain amount of time?
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Active Member
its the eels mucus covering that is hsedding. it protects them from pathogens, etc in the water. you will see it shed whenever it gets agitated of stressed. gald to hear your eel made it. thankfully, i havent had one of these problems yet. bo


Active Member
I would get some Nova Aqua or some Poly Aqua or even stress zyme and add it to tank as recommended it helps to repair the slime coating on fish that have been sick or injured. The Poly Aqua really does a great job. Mfg is Kordons and lfs should have one of the 3 in stock. Not expensive and should be in every supply cabinet.


New Member
Thanks for in the info. I'm going to my LFS tonight to pick some up. I'm sure they'll have one of the three.


Wish I had found my first ribbon eel on the floor quick enough...
sniff, sniff.
be sure to add some extra tape of something to every exit he can use...


Eels are notorious for this...as is their survivability. Follow the advice for the stress additives, their outer layer of skin peels off due to dehydration, and the stress coat will help that a lot. Do you know how long he was out?
Nice to hear your eel made it.....I have converted my tank into an aqua Fort Knox from what I have heard about these guys getting out. I have my tank so well secured it takes me 10 minutes just to remove the "armor" to add food to the tank, lol


Luckily I have never had problems with my snowflake. I think that if you keep them well fed, they have no reason to look to escape. So I keep his stomach fat and he stays in his big hiding rock. Win-win.


another thing to remember too, is make sure you have a intake over all outlets!!! i lost mine to a power pump intake , the sorry little eel went right up into the thing and found him in several pieces cut up by the rotor .
I lost 2 blue ribbon eels, found them on the floor. I actually had the 1st taking food from my fingers. He got out & i found him put him back in & he survived. The next time it was to late. 2nd one the same thing, he was taking food from my fingers & i found him on the floor. Too late. I really love these guys. Any suggestions?
The only place mine could get out was through the water flowing from the skilter. A friend of mine has one & the top is open. He's had his for 2 years. Would like to try 1 more time.
I have a 90 gallon
volitan lion, naso tang, tomato clown, moon wrasse, & a niger trigger. Also have a cleaner shrimp, star fish & a carpet annenome.
Any suggestions?

ed r

If there is a gap large enough for them to squeeze through, most will eventually find them. If you cover everything, and forget to replace something after feeding, you may find that one open night was too many. An eel in an open top tank is not typical, and can decide at any time to go exploring. It is too bad that they can't get back into the tanks as easily when they realize their mistake.