I am a little sad right now


My Xenia has been thinning out noticably lately and I was blaming my decorator crab. Well last night I witnessed my Powder Brown Tang biting the heads off and just spitting them out. Later in the night I spied my decorator, he has absolutely NO Xenia stuck to him anymore. Has anyone ever heard of a PBT mowing through Xenia for no other reason than to destroy it? He was suppose to be the center piece to my tank but Im afraid hes on the "trade-in" list now. Is this a unique situation or do all Tangs nip? Its a shame since he's a beautiful fish, gorgous colors, a great eater, and a little bit of a show-off (always cruising around in front when someone walks up to the tank)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
My Xenia has been thinning out noticably lately and I was blaming my decorator crab. Well last night I witnessed my Powder Brown Tang biting the heads off and just spitting them out. Later in the night I spied my decorator, he has absolutely NO Xenia stuck to him anymore. Has anyone ever heard of a PBT mowing through Xenia for no other reason than to destroy it? He was suppose to be the center piece to my tank but Im afraid hes on the "trade-in" list now. Is this a unique situation or do all Tangs nip? Its a shame since he's a beautiful fish, gorgous colors, a great eater, and a little bit of a show-off (always cruising around in front when someone walks up to the tank)

I had a Hippo Tang do that to me. LFS didn't believe me, said the tang was maybe eating algae off of it..I swapped it for another fish ..Sure enough when I went back to that store the fellow told me I was right, he sold that fish as not reef safe.
Fish are funny, some say not reef safe and they are fine, copperband comes to mind, others are considered reef safe and are not. Each fish is a whole new entity and what they do we just have to try and see. Xenia is a tough fast growing coral...it will bounce back, just get another fish.


Happy enough. I know that the clowns and shrimp will be a better fit in the 75. I'll miss his showmanship but hopefully the clowns will pick up the slack. I guess its better this way in the long run since I know the Tang would be cramped eventually.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
Happy enough. I know that the clowns and shrimp will be a better fit in the 75. I'll miss his showmanship but hopefully the clowns will pick up the slack. I guess its better this way in the long run since I know the Tang would be cramped eventually.

The clowns I have just hang in one corner of the tank, if my mom didn't like them so much I wouldn't have them.
My favorite fish is my Lemonpeel angel, he hasn't bothered any LPS corals (books warning) and he won't get bigger than about 4 inches. I have a blue Hippo Tang that I have had for years and years. he was the size of my pinky nail when I got him, he is about 4.5 inches now. I will have to find him a home when he gets too large for my 90g..He is almost there.


I had a Clarkii some time ago (gave her to a friend who was getting into saltwater) she had a great personality. So your angel doesnt nip any coral eh? Guess it really is just a individual fish thing. I was thining bout a pygmy angel down the road a bit but was worried about nipping.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by caz2022
I had a Clarkii some time ago (gave her to a friend who was getting into saltwater) she had a great personality. So your angel doesnt nip any coral eh? Guess it really is just a individual fish thing. I was thining bout a pygmy angel down the road a bit but was worried about nipping.

LOL..I got the dwarf Lemonpeel angel, then bought two tiny frags of LPS a hammer and a bubble coral, the type they were known to nip, it didn't bother them at all, so far everything is happy together.
I think as long as it has enough algae to nibble it won't pester coral, folks starve their fish for fear of overfeeding. They land up with aggression issues, stunted fish and coral growth. I feed my fish, do my water changes and leave the algae for the critters to enjoy..I don't over clean the tank. The back and sides are allowed to grow algae for the critters to nibble at all day.


Hmm.....Now I may have seriously consider that Pygmy Angel. It wouldn't be for a month or so, so the Xenia would have time to recover. I thought the Tang had plenty to eat. It wasnt like he was munching the Xenia, he would nip it, spit it out and go back and grab some more. Maybe he hated the color or something. Yea-I only clean the front of the tank, I leave the rest to the critters. Im hoping my clowns bond with my Sailfin molly. The Tang and him were good buddies and I'de hate for him to be lonely.