I am a vulture(just wanted to say)



sad to say , but i bet some members are too.
I like to wait till friends get sick/can't afford/etc, and they have to part with their tanks.
So my friend needs money and this is what i'm getting
2 bangaii cardinals
2serpent stars
yellow watchman goby
red lipped blenny
manadarin goby
sailfin tang
unicorn tang
coral beauty
tomato clown
toadstool leather,colt,coral, whole bunch of mushrooms
2 powerheads
hawaiian feather duster
20 snails
130 lbs of Fiji
150 lbs argonite , ,LS
all for a whopping 300 U.S. is that a deal or what?


Active Member
Are you getting the tank too?? Yes, you should be locked up or just mail some of that rock over hear and everything will be just fine:D


...nah, buy some of it and leave the rest... that much of a steal could ruin a friendship.


haha id hate to tell you what i got slothys tank for ...some 1 might make a P_ _-P _ _ in there pants


actually we're splitting it amongst 3 of us.
my 70 is already packed with 130 lbs LR 100 lbs LS, ima take about 20-30 lbs of the rock (which is covered in zooms).couple of fish and all the corals.
he's selling the tank for 900 canadian,
85 gallon with an built in over flow(tank glass is half an inch thick I think maybe a bit more)
comes with a 40 gallon sump/fuge, auto top off system,canopy ,stand,fuge light,test kits, magnets,electrtonic thermometers,little giant pump,berlin skimmer,and 4 strip flo lights.
if i had the money i'd jump on that , so if anybody is in canada,(winnipeg) and is interesteed give me a shout tyger_too@hotmail.com



Originally posted by elitsoH
haha id hate to tell you what i got slothys tank for ...some 1 might make a P_ _-P _ _ in there pants

If its anything like what he sold his lights for... wow, I about P _ _ s _ d my pants when I seen them sold that cheap. Was going to start another reef tank, if I got them for that price. Darn pay- pal :(


"Lights for sale
selling a pfo 250watt mh ballast with pfo (24") reflector and a 6500k iwaski bulb - used 6 months
Reflector - 24" Holds either one 2' VHO or 55W PC on each side of reflector (so 2 x 24" vho or 2 x 55 pc's) . The reflector puts the fluorescent close to the tank and the metal halides are offset by 3.5" - Dims of reflector - 24"x W 12.25"x D 6.5"H
75 + shipping
i accept paypal"


if he needs money then you dont need to rip him off the lr alone is worth more than your paying!!! if he is a real friend give him a little mo dont rob him blind that wasnt meant as a flame

the claw

Active Member
Slip him a 5 spot, then you'll feel better for helping a friend in need. You know you're wrong, or you wouldn't be bragging about it. Your conscience will love you forever.