I have the Tom 3 Gallon and I love it. The only thing I didn't like about the jbj was the fact that it didn't have a lid. Also the Tom had a little stronger light if I remember right. But show some pictures when you get it! They are allot of fun!
This is the one I got and love it on my desk. I upgraded the light to a coralife so I could handle any coral I might want in there but I do have a yellow clown goby and a pompom crab. http://www.**************.com/produc...CID=C12188x007
yeah that is the exact tank i was looking to get..what did you upgrade lighting to?
any suggestions about livestock pertaining to fish? i thought i saw someone on this site with a angler in a pico..
Originally Posted by premilove http:///forum/post/3018679
yeah that is the exact tank i was looking to get..what did you upgrade lighting to?
any suggestions about livestock pertaining to fish? i thought i saw someone on this site with a angler in a pico..
A LFS around me has an angler in a pico. he seems to be doing fine since it's been well over a year since I've seen him in there
Originally Posted by D-Dzel http:///forum/post/3019148
A LFS around me has an angler in a pico. he seems to be doing fine since it's been well over a year since I've seen him in there
is that so? hmm that tempts me more! anyone else think an angler can survive in a pico for sometime?