I am an idiot!

salty tank

I set up my live rock about a month ago and liked the way i set it up alot. I thought "hey i can do better than that" and today tried to rearange the rocks. I fuc-ed up bigtime. I hate the way i set em up. It took me an hour to get it right and i still dont like the way i set up the rocks. Any tips for re-doing the rocks?


Active Member
I did the same thing. Had it setup. Redid it and hated it. You just gotta keep playing around with it until you get it the way you like. Took me a few hours to do. Now is the time to do it before you add livestock. Good luck!
http://photos.yahoo.com/drew101576 in case you wanna check out my rock work.


I just rearanged mine cuz i got tired of looking at it set up one way. So now i have something new to look at.. Probley in a few months ill do it again.


I get sick of my lr arrangement every now and then and go about re-arranging it. Sometimes I like it better and sometimes I'm not satisfied with the new arrangement, so I go at it again.. vicious cycle.. LOL :jumping: