Romney's politics aren't bad, but unfortunately I've known far too many mormons to hand this country over to one. I'm marred.
As far as I'm willing to accept the only reasonable candidates are:
Romney, Thompson, Guiliani, Hucky, McCain
Barack, Hilary, and barely, but hey why not, Edwards.
That being said, I think it would be wise for us to knock off one or two candidates. I agree with Journeyman, although there are things I do like about McCain, there are many many reasons why I don't like him. And would you people quit with the "he is a veteran" schtick. The last time we elected a candidate solely on military achievement, we wound up with 8 solid years of corruption and scandal, a la Ulysses S. Grant. I'm just saying, it would be wise to read your history books. Being a military man, or veteran has no bearing on a person's ability to be a good president. If you are going to follow that thinking alone, you might as well elect a zombie-Charles Whitman. I'm not writing this to disrespect veterans, but just to urge people to look at more than just that one thing. I digress.
If we at least got rid of Thompson and the Huckster, I think we will fair better election time.
Sadly though, I must admit that I'm getting that gut feeling that there will be at least 4 years of socialist-nimcumpoopery ahead....(writing that sentence made me realize that there aren't enough emoticons to express my fears)