i am confused about how strong my powerghead should be


my old powerhead just died and was going to purchase a new one or two. i think i should by that move the water at diffferent speeds and place each one at different sides of the tank. i have a 100gal tank with 150lbs of live rock. no corals yet however i will be puchasing a wide assortment of coral shortly. don't worry i have read up on corals and i will figure out their placement in the tank.
after all that all i want to know is how many gallons per hour should my waterheads or waterhead move?
make some suggestions so i can go with an idea that works


Active Member
well, i think that 10x turnover per hour is generally recommended. And as a point of reference, I have two Maxi-Jet 400's in my 20 gallon.
i have a 55 and i getting 2 900 maxi jets . but i noticed on ---- that there were two 1200's also. how many gph is the 1200


the more flow the better 10X is a minimum but don't shy away for up to 20X. On my 50g reef I have a spray bar fed by a mag 9.5 from the sump and 2 maxi jet 600's, plus an old bio wheel HOB filter with bio wheels remove for added flow (and to run carbon once a month). SO I am slighty over 20X.


Active Member
Yeah, now that you mention it, i too am way over 10x per hour . . . more like 20x myself. Although, I have had problems in the past with too much current for some of the corals that I would like to keep. I think on my next tank, unless its all sps, i will try and shoot for around 15x


Be very careful with purchasing the maxi’s on ----. If it is the vender I think it is he has very bad feedback and you can find the maxi’s for less at another online retailer. Maxi's have had the best feedback from what I have read on this site.


Have you considered Tunze Stream pumps? They are very expensive and there is a considerable waiting list for them, but I cannot be happier with mine. IMO they are the closest you can come to natural wave motion right now and my corals LOVE them. The Streams move a ton of water (1600 to 3175 gph depending on which model), but it is pushed through a 2" nozzel so it is a very broad and delicate flow and the flow rate is adjustable. Using the controller enables the pump to pulse anywhere between 30% and 100% which creates a very realistic wave motion.
If your not up for waiting and spending that much money on the streams, I would go with Maxi-Jet 1200, they are great little pumps.


Roger from Tunze has a message board on -- that you
should check out if you want to learn more about the Stream pumps, there are many threads there regarding them. They started with two models back in November; The Tunze 6080 (2250 gph) and the Tunze 6100 (3175 gph) but found that they were way to strong for tanks under 8 feet long and had a tendency to blow sand around in shorter tanks. Two new Streams; The Tunze 6000 (1850 gph) and the Tunze 6060 (1600 gph) are coming to America slowly, about twenty per week, and are better suited for four or six foot tanks.
The Stream’s wide outlet actually creates a powerful flow that is not as direct as a standard power head, it is more cone shaped, and therefore moves the water in the whole tank rather than in one narrow stream. It is actually similar to waving your hand around in the tank. Although they are very powerful, the broad flow is actually gentler than the more direct flow of a standard power head. I tried pointing one of my maxi-jet 1200’s directly at one of my across once and it actually caused the tissue on the coral to come off because of the shearing effect that the narrow flow produces. I now have my Stream 6000 pointed at the same coral and the tissue is growing back. Another great feature that the streams have is their multicontroller (you can’t use other wave makers with these pumps). Using either the 6000 or the 6100 with a multicontroller enables the power heads to pulse between specified flow rates, alternate to create tidal motion, slow down at night, etc. The pulsing is very realistic, it reminds me of the flow that I’ve felt while diving and snorkeling on various reefs. I’ve been very happy with these pumps and my corals are even happier. My only complaints are that they are very big (although they are coming out with a fake live rock that the pumps can hide in) and very expensive.
I have bought alot of equipment on ----, with absolutely no problems. I have bought five Maxi-Jets and one overflow box from a seller called ebaeseller. I can recommend this guy, I have ordered from him twice now, including within the last month. I do not know about other sellers, but this one I can personally vouch for. Just didn't want to leave the impression here that good stuff can be found on ----. I simply have not found better prices than there.
Good luck,


I'll vouch for ebaeseller too. I've bought quite a few Maxi-Jet's from him. Good price and he ships them out real fast.