I am debating taking out my DSB!


I have had my 55 tank, and I have had it as well as all the sand bed for 9 months. I am and have been displeased with my DSB. I know it probably hasn't matured completely, but I think I am mostly disgusted with the size of my sand grains. Some of the grains of sand are sugar sized and thats how I want all of it, but some of it is the size of Nerds(the candy, the only way i can descibe the size). This just looks so unatural and I cannot stand it anymore.
I was wondering if maybe a cucumber would help, I also am having a problem with algae. I have good parameters right now, but I think the reason I have lurking algae is my lack of cleaning inverts. I only have 4 blue hermits. What do you guys think I should do, I am really aprehensive about getting a cucumber because I have heard they can be poisonous and I do not want it to die and me not see it.
What do you guys recommend I should do? And what should I add to clear up my algae and how much?


The larger sized grains will work their way to the top, you could just skim them off the surface a small section at a time over a few weeks time. Is the DSB doing it's job? What kind of algae are you having a problem with?


Well the problem is the bigger sized grains, take up about 2/3 of the DSB, I was hoping maybe a cucumber could, chew up some of these chunks on the top, but I would imagine they are not that fast. Bristle worms and my sand difting starare having no trouble getting in and out of of the DSB.
My algae is green it in on the DSB and on the rocks(45lbs worth) and on the back glass. I only have 4 hermits and a starfish, and only one powerhead that pumps 160gph, and a emp 400 used for circulation only. Maybe, besides the lack of inverts, I do not have enough circulation. How much do I need? and what are the best powerheads? and is a knobby cuc or two a good idea?


I have a green cuc and it worksits way around the tank...slowly. The stuff that comes out the other end is a little finer, but does not come out in tiny grain size...just a bit smaller. A few of these guys wouldn't hurt, but just don't expect a miracle.


I just saw your other post about your lights, that was going to be my next question. The blues are good, but if the regular bulbs are less than 10,000K you may want to get some 10,000K's. You need about 550 gallons per hour of flow in your tank, the flow will also spread coralline spores around the tank, which could part of the reason you aren't getting new growth. Also I mentioned in your other post to check your Calcium levels, since coralline needs this to grow. If you get your coralline to start spreading, that will end the problems with the nuisance algae. Get some very fine sand and add a dusting to your tank every few days, this will sink to the bottom of the sand bed and the coarse stuff will come to the top where you can remove it. This way the worms and stuff will work their way into the fine sand and you can get rid of the old coarse stuff (gradually) without mucking anything up. HTH and Good luck!


So i am going to have to add about 30lbs on fine sand gradually, right? this will take a while right? So do I add the fine stuff about a pound every two days or so and then remove about a pound of the big chunks about the same?
Again the knobby cuc is not poisnous right?


I would add a pound or two, let it sit for a couple days, then right before you add the next batch skim off the large grains of sand you want out of there, then add the new sand, keep repeating until you have it the way you want it. I don't have any experience with cucumbers, sorry.


Active Member
All cucs are poisnous. The brown ones like tigertails are less toxic than the brite colored ones. Mine stays on the sand and is nocturnal.
They release toxin when stressed or when they die. Keep your stainers on the PH's and watch than he doesn't waste away and you'll be ok.