I am desperate


New Member
I am desperate to save my queen angel. She will not eat and is just staying in the same place. No signs of any parasites and all of my other fish are doing just fine. I have had her for about 3 months and she has always been the best eater of the bunch. She would eat algae or flakes anytime. She will not eat at all now and I know she is dying. All of my levels are fine and I haven't changed anything. I guess she is in a stressed mode but I don't know what has caused it and would not have affected my other fish. Any suggestions?


New Member
250 gallon
ASM protein skimmer
MAG 36 pump
sand substrate
only about 50 lbs of live rock so far
UV sterilizer
80 degrees


New Member
Man, I am stumped too. She looks so healthy other than the fact the she appears to be in a persistent vegestative state.