I am frustrated


Ok, so I bought the RO/DI unit, and started it up today. It read in the directions that I needed to run it for about 15 gallons before I could actually start using the water from it. Well heres the thing, I've been running it for about 5 hours now, and all I've got is about 2 gallons (at most) of the purified water. Is it always going to take me this long to make my water?? It seems like wayyy to much of a pain to do this part. The only thing I can think of is that the water is pretty cold (north carolina), I'm using the water from my garden hose, and I brought it into my garage so I could dump the dirty water in my deep sink. So, am I going to have to buy a heater now?? I thought I might just get an adapter and use heated water from my deep sink, but the directions said I can't do that. This is getting really expensive, all I want is good water!!!!!!! :mad:


With my Ro unit I was able to buy a adapter that fit to the sink. One side was sink adaptable. The other end was for a garden hose. My Ro unit has a hook up to a garden hose. This way I empty my waste water into the drain and fill 5gal jugs up in the sink.


I just got my Kent Maxima today it says to take the third cartridge out and to run 10 to 12 gallons through it. I got the 60 gpd unit thats about 2.5 gallons an hour. However the instructions says it may not make this much until it has had about 100 to 150 gallons ran through it.
at 50 cents a gallon from local fish store for r/o only i figure my fish will like me better for it. mine is an r/o di unit. be patient it will pay off


I use water from my local culigan machine. At Walmart I can get a 5 gal container filled for 1.57 The machine spits out RO/DI water that passes though a U/V filter on the way out!! I have been using the water for almost a year now and I haven't had any problems. I had thought about getting an RO/DI but decided I would keep using the culigan machine for now... Let me know how it turns out!! ***)


First you should not do this outside because the cold will freez the unit.
I have a 24g coralife and it makes about 20- 24 but it depends on the head pressure low pressure will take much lnoger they even sell boosters. If someone takes a shower in the house the water stops flowing also the garden hose absorbes the pressure that is why the lines are so fine and stiff that come with the unit.
I suggest you put it on the kitchen at bed time and let it run in a rubber trash can that is for fish only a new one when you wake up wala a bucket of water.
you should see the iron in the pre filter on mine and it has only made about 200g
Good luck.



Well mine is off and running. I have it outside att since I do not have an adapter to fit my kitchen sink but it's 78 here today so no biggie. I have already made the 12 gal of throw away with the di out and also made about 25 gal of ro/di water. I am getting about 5 gal every 2 hours. and 30 gal of waste water for every 5 gal. I put my waste water in a 32 gal tote and my good water in 5 gal jug to measure this.


Originally Posted by Harndog
Well mine is off and running. I have it outside att since I do not have an adapter to fit my kitchen sink but it's 78 here today so no biggie. I have already made the 12 gal of throw away with the di out and also made about 25 gal of ro/di water. I am getting about 5 gal every 2 hours. and 30 gal of waste water for every 5 gal. I put my waste water in a 32 gal tote and my good water in 5 gal jug to measure this.
Did you fix the problem?Does the filter have a valve to manually back flush the system?
if so make sure it is in the normal position.
techrider62 :thinking:


Water pressrue and temp are the biggest factors with RO productions. Water pressure into the unit should be at least 60psi (usually their rated for 60-100 psi) and water temp should be between 60 and 80 degrees for the optimal production rate.


When i first setup mine i had that back flush vale open and did the same thing his is doing.It run for 12 or 15 hours with very little production but a hole lot of waste water.