Take a turkey baster and squirt it on your rocks,if a bunch of stuff comes floating off of them then that is your problem. To me it sounds like you dont have enough flow to keep debris suspended in the water column so it can be romoved. If it builds up on and under your rock and back in the corners it will rot and turn straight into nitrates. When you add another pump and see how much stuff comes floating off you may be quite suprised. I use a sea-squirt to blast some dead spots around my rocks along with blowing all the crap off my zoas which used to be quite a bit until I really added some serious flow. In a 55 right now I have 2 koralia 2s, 1 koralia 1,one maxi 1200 in the front and another maxi 1200 blowing across the back and I finally feel like I have decent flow but now Im upgrading in a couple of weeks so Ill be adding more different pumps. Another thing that works for me is using one piece of filter floss right where my overflow enters my sump. this catches a large percentage of debris that is removed from the tank so it doesnt lay in my sump. I keep this changed out every 3 or 4 days though. Sponges and filter floss are fine to use but you have to keep them VERY clean or within a few days the stuff starts to rot and pollute your water. Another suggestion is add more cleanup,blue legs and nasarius snails are good at cleaning up detritus. Get that water stirring and keep everything neat and tidy and those trates will come down guaranteed. Oh one more suggestion,since you only have one fish I would only feed pellets or tiny bits of frozen,this makes it easier to see that all the food you put in is being eaten,make sure none goes to waste,any that isnt eaten equals nitrates,good luck.