i am having algea problems


New Member
my tank has been set up about three months...i have a clown,boxfish 25 or so snails, an emerald crab,and a daimond goby...i will leave for work about 7:00 a.m. and when i return all the glass is covered in a brownis algea.....i notice my rocks are starting to get the same color on them...what am i doing wrong???please help.


Active Member
What kind of lighting do you have and how long are they on? Do you have good water flow throughout the tank..no deadspots? Are you overfeeding? Are you useing tap water? It sounds like diatom algae which is normal for a young tank and if conditions are improved usually clears up nicely. :D


New Member
i have a coral life 2x96 w w/lunar lighting..they are on about ten hours a day.i have an emporor 400? its the biggest one you can buy,a cpr protien skimmer and no dead spots..it seems that in the morning the algea isnt so bad...


Active Member
Try cutting back on light time..6 to 8 hrs until it clears up. Are you useing RO water and doing weekly waterchanges? If you're not, start doing it. Don't overfeed and try feeding every other day and see if that helps. You might want to get a bunch of scarlet hermits also. :D