I am in Trouble... Hammer is fadding away


I need some serious :help: . My Hammer coral is fading away. It’s like something is eating it slowly. When I first got it there was 8 heads on it. Then in noticed that one of the heads was not opening. After watching it for a few days and seeing it not open at all I just thought it was a dead head. But then slowly it started happening to another head, then another. Finally I broke the coral in half and put the bad half on one side of the tank and the good half on the other. The bad half completely died off and I threw it away. The good half has been growing nicely where I had it put for about 1 month now with no problems, until yesterday. I noticed the same thing happening. It is shrunk up and you can see that it is being eaten away. I don’t want to loose the whole coral. I think that I had heard someone tell me that you can make a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water to dip it in but I am not sure, and don't know the correct ratio if this is the correct treatment.
Please :help:
This picture show the condition of the head at 4pm today, and the second one show it only 5hrs later at 9pm tonight. As you can see there is a considerable loss to the coral area on the head.
Is this coral worth trying to save or am I endangering other corals in my tank?


Active Member
Use a turkey baster or something similar to wash away the dead areas and you might be able to save it. Trying to save it shouldn't be any worse than letting it die on its own so I would definitely try it. Hammer corals just aren't real hardy and are very tempermental.


I am still kind of unsure of weather or not this could spread to my other corals. Does anyone know if I should worry:nervous: