I am mad!!!


Active Member
Dad... sorry to hear about that loss. There aren't words to express the anger for losing so much money and effort all to someone else's negligence. I feel for ya. I have lost thousands myself. :mad:


that's TERRIBLE. Post the name of the store here AND contact the BBB.
Call the owner back and tell him about the people here --- their knowledge and the acces to quality livestock and dry goods on line.
Have him give you a reason to drive 3 hours to go back to his store (other than shoving that $100 rock up his a$$).
So very sory for you. Dont give up. Do a water change and dont mess with anyhting for a while, it may be ok.


Active Member
UNFORTUNATELY, he will probably never give you all that you have lost, and mybe not more than the rock itself, but if you want to try and get anywehre, you must remember one thing:
YOU WILL get more flies with honey than vinegar, adn if you throw in a spider or 2 then not only do you get them, but kill them as well.
in other words, be gentle but do your homework before proceeding(like BBB or chamber of commerce or local media and so on) You MUST be ready, not jsut threatening, and forget the violent acts(which i am sure you will) they will only cost you more yet.


I agree with fshhub, but I also think you have justification to take him to small claims court if necessary. Maybe you should take the paperwork with you when you go back. I would also have a minute with the clerk who did this, so he doesn't do it in the future. No telling how many other tanks he has caused the same catastrophe to. So sorry:(


That really sucks!!! Sorry to hear about that Dad. Tell me what you guys think if this is a good idea or not? We should all chip in and send Dad a coral frag from our tanks. I don't have much and am jsut starting but I would gladly sned him some of my small colony of green star burst or a shroom. What do you guys think?? Remember tis the season to give!!


Active Member
You should think about Small Claims court ... figure everything out - go get the water tested by a third party - get a signed affidavit (sorry poor spelling) and be certain to get as many quality photos as possible. Figure out how much per hour you make ... then send a total estimated bill to the LFS owner and tell him you will puruse action in the Small Claims court for the total amount, plus your time spent, plus all court costs ....
Last resort but it may be the only way to get satisfaction.
~ Jerome


I would do small claims court. the judge won't know much about anything but if you come prepared with information about how his clerks negligence cause the corals to die then raise the ammonia etc etc I think you would win. Most times I see citizens beat companies in small claims court.
It sucks that the guy was so clueless, he probably thought it was fresh SW if he was new but you shouldn't be the one to suffer someone else's ignorance.


Active Member
or. go in the store with a bucket. Fill it with water from their tanks. put all the corals you want in there, punch the kid and leave.
un beliveable.


Please post the name of the store. I would like to know so if by chance I happen to go there I will be cautious in my dealings with them. Sorry for your loss, you got a raw deal.


Active Member
Thanks everyone! No news yet on what I am going to do or how things are going to get resolved.
I am trying to save a few shrooms that are trying to make it, :(
I cannot get my nitrate levels down. I have done 4-50% water changes now and cannot locate the problem.
I need to get my tank right before I go any further.
This may be a good time to set up my 200g and start over i think.
Start the new year of right.
Thanks again and have a nice Thanksgiving!!
P.S. The LFS is located in Lawton so most have nothing to worry about. It could happen to any of us though, ;)


Man, as a fellow Okie I am sorry to hear about the issue. Problem is if they are anything like most LFS stores in Oklahoma City they will have a "We do not guarantee fish or rock when they leave our tanks" policy.
That is why I have stayed loyal to the store up here in Edmond (Who by the way is selling beautiful Fiji for $3.99 per lb.!), she is the only one that gives you an exchange for problems or deaths that arise after your purchase.
Although it's no consolation, I'd be happy to take the ride to Lawton to raise hell with you!


2 words for you!
Molotov Turkeys...
dont even stop the car!
I act like a prick to most people... but unfortunetly yo uhave to be weary of sales clerks. Just be careful cause I was one for many years and ive worked with many. There are some out there that truely care for your reef as if it were theirs, and there are a few folks out there that do know what they are doin...
Best of luck to ya


Active Member
Sorry to hear you lost more stuff. If you get up to OKC area there are a couple decent lfs's here. Rich 1515 where do you shop? I mainly shop at Crystal Clear here in Norman. I've gotten decent advise and nice stuff from Dave and Janeel there.


Hey Wrasse,
Aquariums Tropical Fish in Edmond -- LeighAnne owns it and runs it. She is the only employee with no other sales people to have to deal with it really helps because all of my advice is coming from one source. The cool thing is that she could probably tell me every single thing that is in my tank by memory! She is very good and very aware about recommendations to her customers about their tank.
Two places that I don't like: Reefshop and Aquarium Concepts -- If I ever have to deal with AC's employee "Jesse" again I will probably slit my own wrists.
I will have to get to Norman if you think they are reputable. Thanks for the additional source!


my deal is anyone getting screwed, whats yours. I don't like seeing anyone getting the shaft. Heck I'm a SWF addict, just want whats right. :p


Aquariums in Edmond is awesome! She is so helpful, knows exactly what I have, and is always willing to help. She cares more about her fish having a good home than losing money so if something isn't working out she'll usually find a solution to the problem. Just my 2 cents!


Why wasn't it dead in their tank then? I would figure that if the sg was a 0 then none of their corals,lr,or fish would be able to live. But I do fell your pain,but I'm never gonna buy a 100 dollar rock with corals,its a bargin you have to "pay" for.