i am moving out...help


Active Member
so i have decided after not living at home for 6 months to move my favorite hobby to my apartment. i have most of my tank unesembled except...
the wet dry filter.
how do i get the water out of my wet dry???
help would be appreciate. then i am going to make a thread that says ... how not to move a 46 gallon fish tank.
thanks for helping.


Active Member
When I clean out my wet/dry (just a sump now) I take my old Rio pump with a hose attached and pump the water out into the sink. Do you have bioballs in it? Not sure of the best way to keep them preserved. Maybe in a bucket of tank water?


Active Member
yes i have bio balls. i was just going to very carefully move them into a bucket of tank water. i only have an urchin and a shrimp, so if my tank recycles it is not a big deal. i just would like to stay as dry as possible.
i will try using my old cap, and see if that will work.


Active Member
you are a genious and i am a huge idiot. if i would have done that like 3 hours ago, my tank would already be at my apartment.


Active Member
How about a couple of those 5 gallon paint containers that they sell at the home improvement stores. Comes with a handle and you know it will support the weight filled with water and bio balls.


Active Member
i believe i now have it under control. now i just have to find someone strong enough to help me lift my tank. obviously i am not going to be able to lift it on my own.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Leopard_babe
you are a genious and i am a huge idiot. if i would have done that like 3 hours ago, my tank would already be at my apartment.
Sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees. Glad I could help.