i am new and want to start a satlwater tank


New Member
ok i am new to this saltwater tank stuff and i need suggestions about what fish i should buy and the tank size and the type of filters.
thank you


First off do as I did and read all the info in the First threads on the new hobbyist page by Beth and 007. That is where you should start. Get the books; The New Marine Aquarium by Peletta. And The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. That would be the best way to start. And if you have questions here use the search bar at top of the page first, you will get more info that way than you would imagine. Welcome and godd luck.


Active Member

Originally posted by Buzzword
First off do as I did and read all the info in the First threads on the new hobbyist page by Beth and 007. That is where you should start. Get the books; The New Marine Aquarium by Peletta. And The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Fenner. That would be the best way to start. And if you have questions here use the search bar at top of the page first, you will get more info that way than you would imagine. Welcome and godd luck.

Definitely all good ideas!
Welcome to the boards!


One thing I would recommend is deciding on the fish you want before buying the tank, or you may be, like me....restricted in what you can get. For example, I would have 'tang city' if I could, but even one tang in a 55 is not a good idea, so I limited myself do to my own personal ignorance. Also, the bigger the tanks, the more fish you can have, depending on sizes of course. If I had it to do over again...I would have started with a much larger tank, but still....start slow.
Good luck and welcome!