I am setting up 180g


I am setting up 180g fowlr
about 150lbs of live rock
300 lbs of live sand
fluval 404
tow Remora Pro protein Skimmer
3 Maxijet-1200 power head..
is this ok?
I am getting
Majestic Angel
Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Banner Butterfly
3 tomato clowns
Sailfin Tang


Just a couple of thoughts.
Not sure if the fluval 404 will be enough filtration for the 180g.
Also, if you want a DSB you will need at least another 100 lbs of sand minimum


I agree with ackermsb. I believe the Fluval 404 is rated to handle around 100 to 125 gallons. If you're going to use the Fluval for your filtration, I'd go with 2 404's on a 180.
You're planning on having some fish in there that will get very large and create lots of waste. You can also add between 50 and 100 lbs. of live rock, which will help your filtration.


you will need swimming room, os stick with the amount of rock you have now, and i would get 2 more 304's or 404's, or mabey one more 404


Active Member
I personally don't think you need any more fluvals. If you add about 30-50 more lbs. of L/R, about 75-100lbs of sand along w/the remora P/S , power heads and a healthy dose of snails, hermits etc. as clean up crew, you s/b fine. Good luck.


Why does he need so much sand? I only put 125 lbs of LS in my 180. Do I need more? If so how would I put it in since I have fish in it already? It's only a FOWLR.


I have a 180 5 months old.
200 lbs LS
100 lbs LR
If I did it again I would add at least 300 lbs of LS
and at least 200 lbs of LR
At least.
But I wont do it again.
I will just keep on throwing $ in 1 by 100
Love that hind sight.


Active Member
Lets shoot for 3-4 inches of L/S. That s/b spmewhere in the 3-400 arena. The depth is what's important. I actually have to add more sand into my tank and when I eventually do it , will use southdown playsand which I still have left over. I would do when planning a major water change. As far as L/R, 175 to 200 lbs s/b ok especially when considering water displacement.
As far as skimming, it depends. What is the recommended tank size for your remora? I personally do not believe in over skimming and usually use 1 skimmer that is suggested for tank size, even if a bit short on recommended size. Good luck to all.


I would agree with flame hawk. But I thought I had 3 to 4" but with current and all some spots are just 2". But I think the 3-400 pounds flame hawk mentioned sounds right. I wish I knew flame hawk when I started!


Remora Pro is rated up to 120gallon with mag 3
I do not have a sump..
and I believe Remora Pro is best hang on skimmer on the market... should I still get one?


Active Member
I personally would try it first w/ one. If 'trates get too high may need to add another. Smaller size since 2 remoras w/b too much for water capacity. I again don't subscribe to over skimming , especially in a reef . Good luck.


I cant get a euro reef I do not have a sump
and I will not get a sump.. my power goes out oftenly.. I do not want my sump to overflow.. any good hang on skimmers?