I am SO confused !!!


Active Member
tap water, distilled or RO ???.... i was wanting to use tap, but after reading many threads I`m still not sure. i don`t have a RO filter, and to buy bottled water which is best, or do the conditioners work fine for tap water


Active Member
many people go to wally world to get their water. i go to the LFS to get mine at 39 cents a gallon but a ro/di unit will save you alot of money in the end.


Active Member
The problem with tap water is you're never really sure whats in there. Conditioners will NOT remove heavy metals and even though we (hobbists) can test for a lot of things, we can't test for everything.
If you're OK with the waste water of a RO/DI unit you can get one pretty cheap. Or do you have a LFS that sells their RO. Not all bottled water is RO so if you go that route test it first.
IMO water is the base of the system and you should try and start with as best a base and you can. It will remove one element of diagnosis (sp?) if you have any problems down the road. It maybe an expense now but better now then losing a whole tank of livestock for an unknown reason.


I have been using tap water since i set my tank up in September. I condition it with Aqua Plus. However, I am having problems with Green Hair Algae due to excess phosphate which I then cleared up with Phosguard. I am seriously considereing using distilled water at this point. It's clearly the way to go if you're serious about this hobby. Also, it depends on how sensitive your choice of tank inhabitants are.


Originally Posted by steve24
so,just plain old bottled water or distiller ?....or are they thesame ?
Bottled water may be RO, distilled, or spring. The only way to tell is if you have a TDS meter. Even if you buy water from a store, take time to check it with a TDS meter.


I just got my RO/DI unit up and running... And I love it. I have soft water from a well so it was a must.... also I have an old house with copper pipes which is another No NO. Between than and the chlorine and phospahtes it was a no-brainer. I have a 72 Bow and to buy water at 50-60 cents a gallon it adds up. If you have a Nano tank a lot of the new fridges come with an RO/DI mini filter for the Ice maker so it might be worth looking into...


the title grabed my attention, iam so confused to why my posts are being deleted, could some one please tell me why, a straight up answer would be nice


I use RO and tap, I've been using my tap for 10 yrs with no problems, and no tank wipeouts ever, but that is just me. I do try to use RO whenever I can though.