I am staring to hate my Clown


I have a gold stripe clown who will not let me introduce any new fish he will kill them, any way to stop this? Existing fish are ok. 35gal tank :help:


Active Member
do you have a lot of rockwork? if you don't this could be the problem...maroons are usually more agressive though


Active Member
i mean if he is nasty now he prolly isn't going to get friendlier...you may just want to cut your losses now...is he pretty big or is he little?


Active Member
do you keep your lights off for a little while when you place new fish in the tank...and do they have ample space to hide? also are you positive it is the clown killing them and not something else like stress or water parameters or something?


Active Member
you need to take your maroon out of the tank, let the fish forget its territory, then put it back into the tank a couple days later. Keep it in a QT or something.


Active Member
Question 1 - what fish are you trying to add ?
35 gallon tank is pretty much abit too small for a Maroon to share with another fish. You do realize they get up to 6 inches as adults ?


Originally Posted by swaziland
3 inches or so. only nasty towards new fish
3 inches and he's killing your other fish? Please?


Active Member
completely believable. maroons can get nasty.
to introduce a new fish, qt it for the couple weeks to make sure it is fine, then putting the maroon in for 2-3 days could give it enough time out time away from its territory to be messed up when it gets re-introduced.


Active Member
what type of fish are you introducing? I wouldn't introduce anything small at all.. and youll most likely have to a get a larger tank for the gsm. i'm trying to find someone to take my female and male or just wait until the summer or the beginning of next year to start a larger tank. they're really territorial and aggressive