I am such a dork. But, how many of you try and impress opposite sex with your reefs?


Active Member
That's funny Jackie. You would hate my room though because the pile of laundry, including a thousand boxers, is big enough for its own zip code.
And as for you fishkiller... even if you did like women... calling the sticky playboy magazine you sleep with your fiance is really stretching the truth. Inanimate objects cannot commit. Especially when the pages are stuck together.
Ok, enough smut talk... I want to see how long this thread will continue. I don't predict too much longer though. I think the fun is nearing its end. Sniff sniff. :(


Active Member
you guys are killing me!!
So far so good with the wife - plus it gives my father-in-law somethingto talk with me about aside from cars and the stock market .....
Scotts - don't feal bad - I took two econ tests on my 21 st birthday then went in to work 3rd shift ...... of course I still drank but not like most 21 year olds ....
JackieF - only twice a year - poor guy!!!
Hmmm need to figure out a way to romance her in front of the clowns so they will breed faster ..... interesting idea .....


Active Member
We needed a funny one...it's been awhile.. And I like the tank in Sammy's bedroom, I have one just like it in my bedroom:cool: