I am taking down my 55 gal

I have all the live rock left I have aguy who is waiting for the mushrooms and the tank but other than that everything is available.
the tank and ricordia are taken as stated above however everything else is available. I am going to put the rock and lights on ---- if anyone wants it let me know asap and I will cancel the auction.


New Member
I live nearby, am setting up a tank, and could use some live rock. Pls send me pictures! Thanks.


New Member
Dear Mr. Zepplin,
[Or should I call you "48138" ;-) ]
I'm new to this site, and I'm afraid I don't know how to send either a private email to you or a private message (which seems to be disabled). I'd rather not post my email for all automatic address harvesters to see. Could you send me a private message with your emaill address?


I was wondering if anything other than the fish, live rock, and lighting are for sale? I live in southeast michigan as well.
the live rock and the lights were put on ---- today, The tank and the ricordea are spoken for, Leaving the shrooms and the fish for sale.