Maybe he didn't like Christmas?
Can't you devise a cover for your tank that lets in the light and keeps thr fish in? I have wrasses and they too like to surf out of the tank.
Maybe he didn't like Christmas?
Can't you devise a cover for your tank that lets in the light and keeps the fish in? I have wrasses and they too like to surf out of the tank.
I have a canopy on it with my lights but the back is the only thing that's open.
Pieces of eggcrate work great for me! It's cheap and very easy to cut around any obstructions and doesn't raise temp but still allows for gas exchange.
Originally Posted by kjr_trig http:///forum/post/2888192
Odd, Triggers aren't really known as "jumpers"....You said he is new, don't suppose somebody chased him, such as your Passer Angel do you?
No I don't have the passer any more because I had a battle with ich, so there was no fish in there to chase it.
Originally Posted by sean48183 http:///forum/post/2888196
Any fish can jump so if you have an opening in your tank you shouldn't keep any fish not just triggers
Why would you say that, many people have opening in their tank and they have fish. I just have bad luck with triggers I guess, none of my other fish jumped when I had them.
Yes I will be covering the back up as soon as I can, because I don't want this to happen again. Thanks for everyone comments, I really appreciated and I will be giving up dates as soon as I decide what fish to put in there.
Good idea and good luck with new additions. Eggcrate is great though it does diminish the lighting somewhat because it tends to direct the light straight down then letting it spread out over your entire tank. IMO it is well worth it though to keep your fish from carpet surfing.
every now and then, my triggers get a really FAST swimming start and try to leap out? they hit the plexi on top which is LOUD when they do it, very interesting to watch.
I had to get eggcrate try having 2 catws that like to go FISHING. One of whom cost me Aussie Haruliquin tusk earlier this year. She has been trying to teach her new playmate Physco that fish is fun to EAT at least she thought that til the DFP bit her