I amnew and I am about to buy a 200 gallon tank


New Member
Ok I am about to buy a 200 gallon saltwater tank from a guy that already has it set up. I was wondering if you have any tips for me when it comes to moving it. It has live rock in it now. I have had big tanks for a while but this will be my first saltwater tank.


it's really easier than you think. Keep anything live, wet of course, and warm with movement to the water (live rock, fish ,critters). Sand is another story. I usually just put the sand in a container and let it sit...I have had it sit for 24 hours or more with no heat or water movement, and no problems. Don't worry about keeping the water, there is no real benefit to keeping it, unless you are trying to save money on mixing new salt. Once you transport everything get it set up...I usually let it run a day to assure no ammonia spikes or mini-cycle. If it reads ok I put the fish and critters back in. Just my experience and I have done this more than a few times.


Active Member
i am moving again in a couple weeks i have a 250,90 and 55 with sumps.
i like to keep 50% of the water so the fish feel more comfortable as to whats in it.i have moved a few times and have yet to lose anything.ijust have some new water heated up with a powerhead in a couple big totes and move everything in as much water as possible.i will put the rock in totes and fill to the top with some of the water already in the tank.the trick is to have plenty of new water ready and alot of various sized containers.it really aint too bad except picking up a 200+ tank.


Maybe its just me but it might be easier if you posted everthing about this tank and your questions all in the same thread.

scopus tang

Active Member
Lots of help and lots of buckets/containers to put everything in. The LR alone will take up a ton of space. Drain the tank completely and remove everything before you try to move it.


New Member
hello there. I used alot of 5 gallon buckets when I moved my tank. Just put a heater and powerhead in the buckets with the fish and critters and they should be fine. I had mine in buckets for a day before i could get all of my stuff set back up and clear.


Is it really necessary to have a powerhead in every bucket? JW.
Also, when you get home, if you wanted to save space, you could always have two or so large crates you could put everything in so you dont have to use so many heaters, powerheads, and such. Plus, the fish would have more room to swim etc.