I asked for a chromis and I got this?? id please


Well the briliant people at ***** have struck again. I wanted a green chromie and I got this little fish instead. What is this? It has the coloring of a lunar wrasse but it doesnt have colored fins on it and it does have what look to be tiny fins on the front end of the fish. Any ideas what this could be? It has a short round body instead of a long slim bopdy and it does not swim like a lunar does.
Thanks, Josh


Looks like a green clown goby.
Swf sells them check out their pic.
Well its a good deal if you paid under 10 bucks.
I got a yellow clown goby from ***** for 5 what a deal.


Just to add to the stupidity of *****:
I just picked up a "blonde" Naso Tang for $34.99 at *****.
I wish I remembered what they had it labeled as...lol
He is doing awsome and loks great. Ill get a pick one of these days and post it.
and the ***** in the town next to mine had a Sohol labeld as a "Tang" sold him to a friend of mine for $39.99:notsure:
Gotta love the dummies over there sometimes...


In their “stupidly” they did you a favor. Green chromis are schooling fish and need to be kep in small groups. One or two will stress and get sick, before they die. It may not have been what you wanted but it was not what you didn't want.


Active Member
at the ***** where i live, only 2 guys that work there know what they are oding. I try to go only the days they work if i can. But they are nice too, they give me discounts. My fist fish was a tomato clown (he died of ick thoughjavascript:smilie('
') but the guy gave him to be for only 7 bucks instead of 17 because he said he was there for a long time and wanted to finaly see him go in a perminent tank.