I bought a new pc set. , few questions !


First, I would like to say thank you to all those who helped me with topics that concerned lightings for my aquarium.
Today, I bought a power compact set for $170 U.S. It contains two 65 watt smart-lite bulbs. My tank is 48 inches ( 75 gallons).
I want to know if the bubls that came with the set is enough to have a reef tank. It is two bulbs but truthfully, it is four small ones. (two blue bulbs, two white ones)
thanks for all your helps again. ;)
[ July 18, 2001: Message edited by: vince ]

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like a CSL 48" smartlite......2x65 watt...
I've got the same fixture on my 55.....with 2x65 watt britelite(10000k)....and 2x110 watt vho actinic.......the fixture you have will provide approximately1.75 watts per gal........this measure is not the best to use but I've heard it suggested to shoot for 3-5 watts per gal for reefs......
you may be able to keep a few polyps or maybe mushrooms if they are placed mid to high on the reef but its my opinion that this will not be enough light for a varied reef.........but they are excellent systems.....maybe additional fixtures in the future........


Is it two or four bulds?
Because if you have 2x65=130 it will not be enough to keep corals,but if like you later sayed that it was 4x65=260 this will be enough to keep some corals.


Ah... I'm very disappointed. The LFS people said this is the same system they use and will be good enough for most corals. :(
NM reef, you mentioned that I should add more fixtures to it in the future; any recommendation to how much light I should add on to my system? Shoudl I buy another whole new lighting system?
Salttrigger, it is double bulb. Four bubls were way too expensive ($400 U.S.)


Active Member
to 5 watts is ideal. But you can keep many softies in the tank. Low light corals like colt, leathers, mushrooms,gargonians, ect. Do reserch no how much light, how aggresive, ect. For instance Mushrooms are low light non-aggresive. I have them on the bottom of my 55g, they have split several times in less than 6 months! I am running 2 40w florecents! Yes I am saving up for bigger and better lights but you can have lots of life in your tank with out spending mega money.


man. aren't i glad i spoke to you! Thanks for that information. I needed that :D I was all depressed and such but now I feel better. Thanks again, thank you so much. :)
I don't want to be a barer of bad news and this isn't really bad news either but........
I have a 55 gal reef tank and I had a set of 4x36 PCs (144 watts). I then bought another fixture of PCs of the same kind and moved all actinics to the one so I could have a dusk to dawn effect. My corals have since grown incredibly and looked unbelievable! So I recceomend juicin' up your lights. Your corals will be hapy you did.


man you bursted my bubble :D
will do. as soon as i save up on some cash. I also need to get a new hood if I am going to add on more lightings ; my current one is only for one strip of lighting.