i bought garlic juice...now what?


how do i mix this with my flake or frozen food? How much do i use? How long do i let it sit. Thank you for your hel p!


Active Member
we use a few drops on our frozen and let "marinate":D for a little bit. This is given every few days when we feed. We don't feed daily, some do and probably give them garlic every feeding if they could. Our fishies GOBBLE it up. But be ready, it is a grewsome
smell!!:eek: some days I am ready for it and some days not.
We have never tried it on flake, I don't think it would work well.
Maybe others have a way to make it work for them.


Please s'plain to me WHY would you put Garlic Juice in your tank?????


Garlic juice is a great cure for ick. I had a coral beauty come down with the stuff and I managed to get him out to the QT tank but not before the whole tankload of fish caught it too.
I started using the Kent garlic and in a matter of 4-5 days the ick was comlpetely gone from every fish and has not been back since. That was over 6 weeks ago now.
I put a bit in now every week as a preventative.


I think they kicked spearfish off or at least deleted his post about killing 5 tangs and thinking nothing of it. that guy gets a lot of people angry and he seems to thrive off of it. He doesn't belong in this hobby.


if you feed your fish with frozen brine shrimps. do you just put the frozen cube into a small container with garlic juice? once melted... do you just dump the thing in your tank?
please let me know... i recently lost a fish from ick, would like to be prepare before i put a fish into my tank.


Active Member
garlic is a good immunity booster. i am batteling ich in my tank right now have been soaking the food (brine, mysis) in garlic juice overnight then feeding the next day. been doing this for about five days now also using an ich treatment and the ich seems to be getting better


Active Member
i actually use garlic cloves. i take one piece and crush it and take a few of the tiny pieces of garlic put it in a cup with alittle saltwater from the tank and let the frozen food melt in that and just keep it in the fridge