I bought some sand for my tank and I think I might have a problem


I bought 3 bags of CaribSea Aragonite Reef Sand to go on top of my one inch of live sand. I have put one bag in and I noticed these little "pine" things that look like a wood. Will they eventually sink or do I need to remove them? They are sticking to the side of my tank. My water is extremely cloudy, and when will that clear?
Do I need to run my filter, because I cut it off when I put the sand in?
I am going to put another bag of live sand on the top of the CaribSea Reef Sand I am now adding, is this a good idea?

mr . salty

Active Member
Yes you should be runnibg the filter.If you can,you should use a micron/polishing filter in it.That will clear the water quickly(one day or less).Check/clean the filter every couple of hours. As for adding that second bag,,,WHY NOT???Your tank is already cloudy now.If you add it later,you will just have to live through this mess again.I would add it NOW.


Staff member
I had those mulch-like elements in my Nature's Ocean LS and left them in as long as they didn't clog my powerhead filters. Eventually they filtered thru the sand as I don't see much anymore.
The cloudiness will continue for about 12 hrs or so, and then clear on its own. Just minute sand particles suspended in the water that needs to settle down.


Well I added all the sand and it is very cloudy, I still have that mulch looking stuff on the top of the tank, I turnedoff my powerheads and I am just running my Sandman.
So of the dry sand I bought looks kind of thick do you think this will be a problem?
How long before this mess cleans up?
Is it easy to level the sand with water in the tank ?
Should I drain all the water out to level the sand out and just fill the tank up again and add new salt mix?
If so what is a easy way to level the sand ?
[ December 13, 2001: Message edited by: kyarnkid ]

fish fry

As was mentioned just move the sand around with you hand to level it out. It took my sand about 5 days to really clear up. Although I didn't use any filter.
Fish Fry


Did you put all that sand on top of your live sand? You should add it an inch at a time and let the critters move into the sand before you you add more...better yet would have been to remove the live sand put the dry sand down then put the live back on top...I know PITA.


I have used several different items from CaribSea and they all have pieces of wood in the bags. You DO need to wash most of the stuff before you place it into the tank at least a little. Hopefully you water is now clear.


i dont know what you guys are tlaking about?
it only took my sand about 5hrs to settle down is this bad?