I can't believe the difference between Oceanic and IO


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovecraft
I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
Larry is that you? Thank you, thank you, good night everybody, good night thanks for coming. I'll be here all week.


Active Member
I use Oceanic with no problems . Once my LFS ran out of my salt so I bought a bucket of I.O. and it contained phoshates and ended up dumping the salt . Have been wanting to try the new Red Sea , I have another tank to set up so think I`ll get some and compare to the Oceanic .


Originally Posted by Vpotts28
It isn't such a bad place, though I hate telling people on the phone. I always have that lump in my throat, and smirk on my face. No pun intended.
For those of us who know, we absolutely love Cumming.
Yes it is a very funny name but i like it here anway


Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Larry is that you? Thank you, thank you, good night everybody, good night thanks for coming. I'll be here all week.
I can't help it, I was channeling Larry last night....LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vpotts28
Well I bought a 200g bucket of Oceanic because I ran out of IO. I did a 20% WC with the new salt yesterday. I checked my calcium levels in my DT before and after the wc. I also tested the water that was going in. Before with the IO, the change water was a 440 ppm calcium, after the wc the calcium level would be near 400 ppm. After a two week period when I do my wc's my levels would be at 330ppm. My tank was at 330ppm yesterday. My levels on my change water using Oceanic was 500 ppm, after the wc they were at 485 ppm. I can't believe that, I am dumbfounded. The alkalinity was at 15 dKH.
I am dumbfounded too
a)Am I understanding your numbers correctly? your tank was at calcium of only 330ppm before the water change. you did a 20% water change with oceanic that had a calcium level of 500ppm. After the water change calcium went all the way up to 485ppm? How is possible for calcium to go up 47% overall when 80% of the old water is still there and the new mix water itself was only 51% greater in calcium than the old water. In other words 80% volume @ 330ppm + 20% volume @ 500ppm will not give you a calcium of level of 485ppm even if had a depleted magnesium level that will inhibits Ca (unlikely if you are doing regular water changes)
b)From what I've gathered its almost certain that a dKH of 15 along with a calcium of 485 ppm would cause obvious calcium precipitation within the water. From what I've read even with much more conservative numbers (calicum over 440ppm along with a dKH of over 10) it is likely to be a false alk reading because precipitation should occur.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
I am dumbfounded too
a)Am I understanding your numbers correctly? your tank was at calcium of only 330ppm before the water change. you did a 20% water change with oceanic that had a calcium level of 500ppm. After the water change calcium went all the way up to 485ppm? How is possible for calcium to go up 47% overall when 80% of the old water is still there and the new mix water itself was only 51% greater in calcium than the old water. In other words 80% volume @ 330ppm + 20% volume @ 500ppm will not give you a calcium of level of 485ppm even if had a depleted magnesium level that will inhibits Ca (unlikely if you are doing regular water changes)
b)From what I've gathered its almost certain that a dKH of 15 along with a calcium of 485 ppm would cause obvious calcium precipitation within the water. From what I've read even with much more conservative numbers (calicum over 440ppm along with a dKH of over 10) it is likely to be a false alk reading because precipitation should occur.
From the first point, I was giving the 500 ppm reading because the syringe ran out of solution and turned blue on the last drop. Salifert test kits. I performed the calcium 20 minutes after the wc. Its been three days now, and I haven't seen any precipatation. I will perform the test again tonight, to see where I am. You have me curious.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
I am dumbfounded too
a)Am I understanding your numbers correctly? your tank was at calcium of only 330ppm before the water change. you did a 20% water change with oceanic that had a calcium level of 500ppm. After the water change calcium went all the way up to 485ppm? How is possible for calcium to go up 47% overall when 80% of the old water is still there and the new mix water itself was only 51% greater in calcium than the old water. In other words 80% volume @ 330ppm + 20% volume @ 500ppm will not give you a calcium of level of 485ppm even if had a depleted magnesium level that will inhibits Ca (unlikely if you are doing regular water changes)
b)From what I've gathered its almost certain that a dKH of 15 along with a calcium of 485 ppm would cause obvious calcium precipitation within the water. From what I've read even with much more conservative numbers (calicum over 440ppm along with a dKH of over 10) it is likely to be a false alk reading because precipitation should occur.
If I in fact get the same or close to numbers as I had on Sunday. One of three things will have to happen. 1) I will be suspect of Salifert, and the opinions on them going forward 2) I will have to have my girlfriend do some scientific equations, she is a biomedical engineer PHD, and she will give me a clearcut answer on how this could be. 3) I will throw myself from the tenth floor of a random building, because I will never understand what is going on.


So if you have calcium precipitation what exactly does that mean??


Active Member
Originally Posted by anmldr
So if you have calcium precipitation what exactly does that mean??
It means that you will have a very large snowglobe in your house.
I am actually very interested in seeing the answer this, now I am a little worried.


I know what it looks like, it does look like a snow globe :) .. It was happening in my tank before I added my lr and ls... and now I have some sheets on top of my sand that I need to get out :(