I cant believe this again :(


New Member
I just finished hypo this past Friday. After raising salinity for a week, I put in all the live rock and snails.
Monday, My fish come down with Ich again. How the heck did I get Ich again? Was it in the live rock? I had that in a sep. container for a month. Was it on the snails/crabs? I really dont know what to do anymore.
My poor fish, Im starting hypo on them again, will this be detrimental to them? and how long can I keep live rock in a tub before it dies off.
Im thinkin this time around Im going to hypo for 2 months instead of 5 weeks.
Has this happened to anyone else? I must have super Ich !


Active Member
Is it definitely ich or is it velvet? Hyposalintiy will not treat for oodiumium (velvet).
What are you using to measure your salinity?


New Member
Im using a refractometer.
The first time around, the hypo worked, after 4 days no signs of ich on their fins etc. Then I waited lil over 3 weeks, then raised salinity for 5 days. Fish appeared healthy with huge appetites.
Then I put the live rock into the main tank, Most parts of it were in a tub and a few small pieces of it were in my QT along with the snails, hermits etc.
Next day, I noticed a spot, then more and more all over their fins.
Can the Ich breed in my qt tank with just inverts ? I do feed them mysis and granular food. I had thought if they didnt have a fish host they would die out. Now the live rock is in a dark garbage container with no light.
How long do I keep it there to make sure no Ich survived?
I've read all the stickies on hyposalinity, yes, it did work. My problem is how could the ich survive with no fish host after said time frame.


I have done four hyposalinity treatment and have not had any success. I believed ick will always be in your tank no matter how hard I fight it. I used extreme garlic from Kent and feed my fish which help build their immune system.
Good luck with your second attempt.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lpuzon
uh-oh, lion.that this mean this is gonna happen to me too?

It should not. I have never had an unsuccessful hyposalinity on any of the tanks that I maintain.


Active Member
How low did you take the salinity in the hypo tank?
How long were the inverts and rock without a fish in the tank?


Active Member
i hypoed 4 of my tangs which all i had ich b4 i placed them in my display tank..
hypoing def works... i make sure to hypo at .009 for at least 2 weeks and then i raise the salt back over week....
one time it was in my main tank.. i took all the fish out, hypoed them as mentioned above but for 6 weeks... i left the tank fishless for 6 weeks also and preformed a water change...
hypoing worx like a charm!!!!!! just make sure you wait it out at least 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have never had ick since, this works!