I can't believe this happened again...


Active Member
I have lost another fish. My royal gramma that I have had for about 14 months. No physical sign of illness, though she has been hiding a lot the last few days. First I lost my tomato clown that I had for over a year, no signs, just dead one morning on the sand. Then my mandarin, at about 9 months or so got really fat and I got really worried and watched it closely. What happens? Our stupidity happens, that's what! A screen had fallen off of a powerhead and we didn't notice. Poor little thing got sucked up and we came home from a little league game to find it's head hanging out of the bottom of the ph. Now today, I get home from work and hubby tells me he found TinkerBell dead on the sand, just laying there dead. I could handle it a little better if it was a new fish, maybe....but these are our babies that we've been taking care of practically since starting the tank, the ones we know the best, and love the most...well I'm in a full fledged pity party now so I guess that's all but thought I'd share my misery with people who understand :( :( :(


Active Member
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Have you checked the water? Possibly when you moved stuff into the new tank maybe it went through a mini cycle?


Active Member
Stacy, yeah we've watched it closely. We did go through a very minimal cycle the first couple weeks but the tanks been up right at 2 months now and everything's been stable for about 5 or 6 weeks. Only thing is the diatoms are still hanging around.


Active Member
:( sorry to hear that Debi :(
I lost my royal gramma last year. I had that fish for a couple years too.
Just went totally MIA - never have figured out what happened to him - just dissapeared one day.
Losing our fish is sad sometimes - for any reason.


boomer5. i think i might know what happened to your royal gramma. these fish love to hide in rocks, and impossible to reach places. i have heard of stories of people's royal grammas actually getting stuck inside the rock itself and dying:( . im sorry to hear about all you losses. is it possible that the other fish could have been sucked up and then thrown through the powerhead:eek: .


Active Member
No the mandarin was over a week ago and he was just stuck in the intake of the ph. He didn't get sucked up. His whole body was intact with his little head sticking out of the bottom. He wasn't dead more than 2 hours when we found him. The royal gramma today, showed no signs of decay or that any of the clean up crew had gotten to it yet. I'll certainly monitor water closely though.


im sorry to hear about your loss. i hate when things in my tank die and i dont know what caused it so i can fix it:(


I'm sorry to hear about your bad luck it sounds like the way my luck has been going with my Aquarium.


Jeez, sorry for the loss, I feel your pain.
I've only lost one fish that I have on record, a clown.
I only had him for a few weeks, it was still sad, though