I cant decide on HOB skimmer for my 150gal


getting pieces together to convert back to salt after a few years doing fresh water. I am going to be running a 150 no sump.
I am looking for recommendations for the best skimmer on the market. I dont care about price,I just want to get the best one for my tank.
my initial investigation has led me to the following
AquaC remora
coralife SS
Which one would you pick from the list above and what model?
Thanks so much for you input. I just cant decide, for every good review out there, I find one bad review.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by bosco0633 http:///forum/thread/380613/i-cant-decide-on-hob-skimmer-for-my-150gal#post_3313175
getting pieces together to convert back to salt after a few years doing fresh water. I am going to be running a 150 no sump.
I am looking for recommendations for the best skimmer on the market. I dont care about price,I just want to get the best one for my tank.
my initial investigation has led me to the following
AquaC remora
coralife SS
Which one would you pick from the list above and what model?
Thanks so much for you input. I just cant decide, for every good review out there, I find one bad review.

I have had nothing but problems with HOB skimmers...However of the list you have. I would choose the Octopus because that is the brand the guys said to get when I asked for some help... I can tell you rght off Coralife is microbubble, leaky hell.


so I have been reading all day long and most of the reviews that I have read suggest the AquaC remora and the Octopus units have great reviews.
The remora is great, however, the largest HOB is rated for 125gal.
The octopus that I am convinced that I want to purchase is the Super Reef Octopus LX-2000s
It is new and it looks great, however, very little reviews on it at this time.
Any thoughts on this unit??


Most people don't do hang on the back skimmers for tanks above 90G, so it's hard to find reviews. Most of the Octopus line is great, however, I have heard many negative things about the Octopus HOB skimmers. Meowzer has been having a lot of issues with her Octopus HOB for her 54G tank.
Any reason as to why you're not doing a sump?


To be honest with you, I dont like sumps. I dont criticize anyone in the hobby that uses them, because I know the benefits of using them. 17 years ago when I began my interest in aquariums I started with Cichlids. I quickly learned that salt water was the hobby that I wanted to get into. I began reading and really believe in a Berlin method of maitenance. I know that sumps can be used with this method but I just never used it and dont care to But that is just me, I have had great success with it, and I am from the school of thought, if it is not broken, dont try and fix it.
My goal for my setup is going to be the following:
150gal tank
coralife 4x96w PC with 3 150w MH canopy
2x hydor 300w heaters
3 Hydor #4 water pumps
???? mechanical filter/with bio media, perhaps 2 Aquaclear 110s with sponge and bioballs
???? undetermined skimmer, which I am leaning towards the LX2000S Octopus HOB
250lbs of aragonite
300lbs of live rock
So I hope that answers why I want a HOB, I really hope that I can get some suggestions for a skimmer to assist my needs


Octopus make GREAT skimmers.....I just apparently got a bad one :( I have a BH100SS on my 54G....nothing but problems
I have a hurricone external on my 225G and I LOVE IT.....of course you need a sump to plumb it thru
I agree with you though.....if what you are doing works for you, then don;t change it.
I do not know a lot about the one you are referring too, but the fact that it is made by Octopus says a lot