i can't get outta bed...

cptn howdy

it's saturday morning and i feel like trash.
total trash.
but i need to go into the office. i hate beer. i'm never drinking any more.
say somethin to motivate me dammit!!!


Active Member
i'm never drinking any more.
Until next weekend!
Take an alka seltzer...then a couple of Vit. B-12 with a big glass of water...eat some saltines with honey. Sounds like a lot, but it's gotten me through since college!


Active Member

Originally posted by Cptn Howdy
it's saturday morning and i feel like trash.
i hate beer. i'm never drinking any more.

i said the same thing 2 weeks ago, but it didnt work. :nope:
as far as motivating you, hmmm, well, think of the extra money (if its OT)

cptn howdy

ok. here i am.
at the office.
still feel like layin out on the freeway. let a few cars mow over me. wake me up a lil.
i don't wanna werk.
there's all these files to open but i just don't think it's gonna happen.
this chic filet sandwich & fries are in fronna me. i don't wanna eat it. i think i'll just stare at it a lil longer and maybe it'll get me hungryer. is that a word?
oh well.


Active Member
any particular reason for the honey
It's a concentrated source of fructose, which helps to flush out whatever alcohol remains in your system. It's not "magic", but it helps a lot!


Active Member
Did you stop off and get Alka Seltzer and vit B12?!!! You know, you don't HAVE to suffer a hangover...! At least get some Alka Seltzer...the stuff is a miracle:) It got me past many a night of serious scotch drinking.
You want to barf now...don't you?:D
That's good, too!


Active Member
i posted a hangover thread especially for you Cptn H, after reading aarones last post, hair of the dog does sometimes work, got to go and and that one for ya :)

cptn howdy

thank you cindy :)
i'll be needin that info tomorrow morning. ok so check it:
BBQ TIME!!!!!!!!
ok we just got back from cal's beef palace in huntington beach. let's see....
-3 lbs of filet mignon wrapped in bacon
-2 lbs of rib eye
-1 rack of babyback ribs
-5 lbs of chicken thighs
-2 lbs of skinless chicken breasts
-3 lbs of hamburger
-5 huge rainbow trouts
ummmm, did i forget anything? oh yeah! 120 bud lights. wish me luck fellas. i'll see ya tomorrow mornin!

tony detroit

Active Member
The key to a hangover at work
1.Position one full glass of water and 2 Orudis KT next to bed.
2.Set alarm for 2 hours before you actually want to wake up.
3.Wake up at that time and take the 2 Orudis KT
4.Go back to sleep, wake up in one hour and feel like a champ
I have used this method many times, works like a champ.


Active Member

Originally posted by Cptn Howdy
thank you cindy :)
i'll be needin that info tomorrow morning. ok so check it:
BBQ TIME!!!!!!!!
ok we just got back from cal's beef palace in huntington beach. let's see....
-3 lbs of filet mignon wrapped in bacon
-2 lbs of rib eye
-1 rack of babyback ribs
-5 lbs of chicken thighs
-2 lbs of skinless chicken breasts
-3 lbs of hamburger
-5 huge rainbow trouts
ummmm, did i forget anything? oh yeah! 120 bud lights. wish me luck fellas. i'll see ya tomorrow mornin!

well you must be feelin better (for the time being) that filet mignon sounds pretty good to me
btw, thought you werent drinking beer any more

cptn howdy

ok it's now sunday & all the beers are dusted. we've still got the filet & ribs to cook so the bbq continues. once i crawl outta bed then it's refill time.
there's people passed out in my living room. i dunno who but one of em keeps coughin and hackin. i don't even want to see the mess that's awaiting me out there.
some dude keeps mowin his lawn with this really loud mower.
i hate him.


Active Member
we had a cook out a couple weeks ago and some idiot puked on my husbands back and on my walls in my hall and kitchen! his friend got him out of here then they came back a little later and he was trying to pick a fight with one of our friends. i told his friend to get him out and to never bring him back to my house again!:mad:

tony detroit

Active Member
I think the government needs to mandate lawnmower/weedwhacker silencers for those rough mornings. Everything else is illegal, can't even drive around Michigan with your seatbelt off, might as well silence the lawnmowers and weedwhackers while they're at it!



Originally posted by Cptn Howdy
ok it's now sunday & all the beers are dusted. we've still got the filet & ribs to cook so the bbq continues. once i crawl outta bed then it's refill time.
there's people passed out in my living room. i dunno who but one of em keeps coughin and hackin. i don't even want to see the mess that's awaiting me out there.
some dude keeps mowin his lawn with this really loud mower.
i hate him.
