I cant identify this creature. Help!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by zman1
It's a Vagrant, return him to the park....
More specifically, the rarely seen bug-eyed vagrant...just don't feed it...it will eventually go away... that's what I'd do...

Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
I dont think pepermint shrimp will do the job on this monster. Your going to need Joes juice.........lots of Joes juice.


New Member
Ah Ok. It doesnt seem to be multiplying and it is getting along with the other house inhabitants.I guess I can see if it works out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by roddey
Ah Ok. It doesnt seem to be multiplying and it is getting along with the other house inhabitants.I guess I can see if it works out.
I would worry, however, if it start to split. Keep a close eye on the mouth...if it looks like it's splitting...well...run for the hills...
Lisa :happyfish


New Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I would worry, however, if it start to split. Keep a close eye on the mouth...if it looks like it's splitting...well...run for the hills...
Lisa :happyfish
I dont have much time. I was able to take this shot just as it split, but was unable to get out in time.I know it will find me.Goodbye


New Member
I made it.I hid all night long and when I opened the closet door after daylight I found this.I guess the Joes Juice with a vodka twist finally took effect.This was all I found left of it.

Joes Juice saved my life.


New Member
Originally Posted by compjtc
You can capture such a creature by luring it into an enclosed area using beer.
OK,so I need to make a Beer trap.Thanks.


Active Member
They tend to become quite territorial in confined areas. However, in large urban areas, it is not uncommon to find them schooling.
Or MadDog 20/20 works well for the trap...


I hear that the (oft expensive) Senior Executive Trigger gets pretty aggressive around them, might try that.