i cant make up my mind.


Active Member
i trying to decide whether to take current issues next year. ill also be taking-
principles of democracy
french IV
CP english 12
integrated math III
chemistry I (2 period class)
current issues is a semester class, all the others are all year. any periods i dont schedule are study halls. there are 9 periods in a day, unless you count detention.


Active Member
if i was doing CBI (career based intervention) or post secondary, i could. but im not, so i cant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by alix2.0
you have to schedule lunch or you wont be assigned one.
march 26.
now thats crazy... do you have an option of what time you go??? can you use it as your last hour and just leave early???
whats on March 26th???

al mc

Active Member
Alix...Any other choices of potentially interesting classes or is your decision just to take or not take 'current issues'?


Active Member
french IV?!?!? good luck haha. it was a miracle I passed french III. i got lucky my teacher was from senegal and didnt know the grading system haha


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
now thats crazy... do you have an option of what time you go??? can you use it as your last hour and just leave early???
whats on March 26th???
you can sometimes pick whether you want it 5th, 6th, or 7th period, which i did this year, but sometimes you dont have the option. we cant leave for lunch though.
Originally Posted by Al Mc
Alix...Any other choices of potentially interesting classes or is your decision just to take or not take 'current issues'?
nah, ive taken all the other interesting classes. i was thinking about taking accounting or keyboarding II, but those are both full year classes and i really dont feel like it. i could also take video editing again, which is a semester class, but idk.
Originally Posted by Kevin34

french IV?!?!? good luck haha. it was a miracle I passed french III. i got lucky my teacher was from senegal and didnt know the grading system haha
hough i know.