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Help I cant raise my salinity level!!
I took out 1 gallon then added a half a cup of reef crystals.
Waited an hour did the exact some thing no difference
And my hydrometer cant give an acurate reading one test it will be low then another it will be super high!!!
And their arent any bubbles in the hydrometer!
So what can I do to raise it!
how long are you waiting for it to be tested?
are you putting the salt in the water in the bucket or add water to the salt to the bucket?
i use reef crystals best way to get it to mix faster is add salt to the bucket spead the salt evenly.
then add water slowly
the once the water allmosts starts to raise over the salt stir slowly keep in mind dont rush the water in.
once the bucket is half full add a power head whilst still stiring.
once you maxed the bucket to the level of require leave the salt to mix make sure theres no salt on the bottom of the bucket.
leave the power head in.
i use two tho mine are 3 imp gallons(buckets) thats like 4-5 gal usa.
leave it for approx two to three hours test it.
that should be anuff.
also make sure youra adding the correct ammount for the correct ammount of water.
use buckets with markers on to help you.
also is your reef crystals in date?
try that out you wont go wrong my salt is allways bang on 1.024
also make sure your hydrometer is allways clean and use a hydrometer thom.
i use both and cant go wrong i dont use the over the top stupidly priced refractrometer or how ever you spell it lol.