I caught the bastard!


I caught this baby mantis shrimp tonight :) Thank god I caught the sucker. I consider myself lucky to have found its cave. Once I found the cave I took out the rock and shook him out. :cheer:



Active Member
Originally Posted by Pyro
put him on a toothpick and stick him in your live rock as a warning to others



Active Member
I'd do it with all our darn black ants around here... can't find a narrow enough toothpick.
Guess I'll have to substitute with just pouring gasoline on their little mounds (more effective than any store product or anything I've ever tried before; by far)


Active Member
I finally refound and pulled out a predatory whelk (compliments of my LFS).

Since the QT isn't QT'ing anyhting right now I put it in there.



tonight I caught this sucker. He was bigger than the first one. I played with this one a while with a toothpick and man do they hit hard. It would def move the stick. I flushed him down the toilet :) I guess this might be some advice is that when they get in their caves stick the rock in fresh water and they come right out!!!!


Active Member
hmmm... i have never seen one that looks like that before, and it looks just like a hithcicker "pistol" srhimp that i THOUGHT i had. The stripes and such are the same. I have only seen glimces of him, but each time i thought i saw one claw bigger than the other, but now that i think about it, it might have been two stricking claws. Does that one have white tips on the ends of his claws?


Active Member
Originally Posted by theappe
....tonight I caught this sucker. He was bigger than the first one. I played with this one a while with a toothpick and man do they hit hard. It would def move the stick. I flushed him down the toilet :) ...
:scared: Oh Great !!!
Now besides the 20' Alligators and 30' Snakes down in the Sewer...I gotta worry about running across a 6' Mantis Shrimp..!!!! :scared:


Originally Posted by theappe
I guess this might be some advice is that when they get in their caves stick the rock in fresh water and they come right out!!!!
That will also kill anything else living on the live rock, making it into dead rock with decomposing corpses on it. Still might be worth it if it gets rid of the shrimp. I might remove the rock and put it in a rubbermaid bin until I caught him outside it, then pull the rock out. That way you can save the liverock as well.


Active Member
theappe said:
I caught this baby mantis shrimp tonight :) Thank god I caught the sucker. I consider myself lucky to have found its cave. Once I found the cave I took out the rock and shook him out. :cheer:
YOU ARE HIRED. I have been trying to get mine for the past 2 days-no luck. Thanks for the post it gave me hope. See my post for more details.