I caught the bastard!


I understand that fresh water kills the rock. I just had to run the rock really quick in the water and out came the matis shrimp. I don't think that I killed the rock that much if any. oh and btw I don't think the mantis shrimp will live in the toilet. when he fell in there he curled into a little ball and died lmfao!!!!


Active Member
I am not ready to start yanking the rock and giving it a dip just yet. I am still in the fishing mode and hope it yields good news one morning.

I am sure you felt REAL bad when he fell in the toilet. :cheer:


yeah they get REALLY big nut this one was like 2in. so i guess it was a baby. no real colors yet. i Guess all the pretty colors come when they are older.


Pyro, GASOLINE? Are you SERIOUS!? I hope not! Thats Incredibly illegal, not to mention bad for the lawn lol. Try boiling a big pot of water and pouring it on the ant bed instead. As for the Mantis, lol they dont get pretty colors. They just get bigger and uglier. We sometimes get one or two when we buy live shrimp for bait around here.