I caught this while snorkling


I believe it is a French Angel.I caught him with a net.I went snorkling in West Palm.What do you think?



I went to watch a few friends who were spearing for snapper.I brought a net and bucket which I put in the inflatable raft.There were so many Tangs,Triggers and Parrot fish there. I had a battery airrator in the car for the trip home.


Probably a Frenchie (Pomacanthus paru). If the yellow on the tail makes a complete circle and swims undulating like a clownfish ... Frenchie ... If the yellow doesn't go all the way around (trailing edge clear) and swims in straight line it is a Gray/Black angel (Pomacanthus arcuatus). Hope you have a real big tank ... either species can get huge (15" - 18" if not more). Best of luck.


Active Member
Is this going in the same tank as the swallowtail angel? I sure hope it is a big one. Beautiful find though. If not in the same tank, get another tank .....oh well, it followed me home from school....... :happyfish


Originally Posted by mbrennan
Probably a Frenchie (Pomacanthus paru). If the yellow on the tail makes a complete circle and swims undulating like a clownfish ... Frenchie ... If the yellow doesn't go all the way around (trailing edge clear) and swims in straight line it is a Gray/Black angel (Pomacanthus arcuatus). Hope you have a real big tank ... either species can get huge (15" - 18" if not more). Best of luck.
I have a 210 gallon.It swims like a clown fish.Not in a straight line.It has been hanging out with my spotted grouper.I was worried that it would be dinner for it.Also my red V tail grouper has no interest in it.So far so good.


I wish I could go out in the water and catch my own fish. The only thing here in Boston to catch is sewage.


isnt it illegal to catch fish like that?haha cool french fish.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
isnt it illegal to catch fish like that?haha cool french fish.
It's illegal what the lfs charges for these fish..lol


Nice catch, those actually are quite common around here. I supply some of my lfs with these when I catch them. To warn you though, it is hard to keep these fish after being caught in the wild. He will look good for about a month or two, then it will go downhill from there. Everyone I put in my 125 has done that. If you find a queen or blue angel, much easier to keep. Also, both are very common around here.


Thanks for the tip.I will keep my eye on him.So far he is doing good.There were so many triggers and tangs down there.I wonder if I use a small gold bobless hook with a piece of shrimp if I could catch one.They are way to fast to catch with a net.


Nothing is to fast to catch with a net, just gotta have skills.
j/k man , it just takes practice. Maybe you will get lucky with your angel and it will live. What I do is when Im diving, lobstering, basically everything in the water except spearfishing (more concentrated on shooting that 15lb mutton) I will carry my clear sided nets with me just incase I see something. Also what size net are you using, the bigger the net the better. Another tip is use two nets, a net coming at a fish is more enticing than a tickle stick which they can escape. This way if you chase the fish into one net and he trys to turn around and book the other way, he swims right into the other net, works like a charm. Also DO NOT GET A SLURP GUN, they hurt the fish and and they rarely live after caught.