I caught three turtles today!


Active Member
I was fishing on Crystal Lake near Prairie Du Sac in South-central Wisconsin...and I snagged THREE painted turtles:)...with my little ultra-light rod that I just got!
They were so coooooool. And mean as hell! It's only the second time I have gone fishing--the first time legally--hehe.
I also saw a HUGE snapper turtle that swam right next to our boat and maybe a half dozen great blue herons, and a fat muskrat.
Wow. Wisconsin has some great stuff to see once you leave my city!
I caught three bass, too! (but they weren't the limit, so I had to throw them back :()
We were there for the bluegills and got about 20 of those:)


cool! turtles are neat. at my aunt and uncles woods, where we have fmaily reunions every year:rolleyes: :D
we caught a big painted turtle, but after a week my dad put him in a drainage ditch with one of those really big drainage tubes.....ya, that was like 10 years ago, but that turtle never got to the lake like my dad said did he?

got any pics? :D


Active Member
Not likely...but he might have survived, if he managed to find a pond.
We kept one of the turtles for my friend's pond. No pics. I was afraid I'd drop the camera off the boat so I left it at home:(


Thats awesome Polar! I used to love going turtle trapping or collecting when I was a little... didn't quite care for eating them though. I mean thats like eating a puppy! :eek:
Reef, I'm sorry.... did you have an odd tasting "beef" stew that night?


Active Member
I'm not going to eat it! The one we kept is going in a friend's pond. It was the one I hooked in the mouth :(. I got one of the others when it swam into my line and got stuck on the bobber...and the third one, I just leaned over the boat and grabbed it. We let those two go...but figured since I injured the one, we should at least give it a good home and make sure it doesn't get an infection. He'll have a nice home in my friend's pond...it's a nice big coi pond--plenty of room to swim, nice and deep and lots of basking areas. He should be a happy turtle...I hope.