I Challenge You!!!!


To find something that will keep green hair alg. under control. While being able to have an exoskelton to climb live rock, that will not hurt your inverts or ANY coral, anenome or sponge on the planet and will not outgrow its "home" as to need a new shell to move in to? I know of ONE creature like this, even sifts the sand bed and builds relationships with all the corals but it makes annoying clicking noises
Sorry but I couldnt resist, I know one thing that loves hair algae, keeps it under control in the tank by wearing it. That green hairy looking tarantula is actually my Arrow Decorator Crab and he seems to think hair algea is great and my tank looks much better. :cheer:



Well to keep hair algea in line the challenge is to be a good water keeper for the main reason you would get it is because you have nitrates / phosphates so thats the real challenge is keeping both of those at zero reading so hair algea cant thrive. I keep mine very close to zero and have never had hair algea and I also think if you have very good water circulation it help to.


Active Member
definitley a phosphate problem...do a weekly water change using RO water...do not use tap water...pull that stuff off by hand, the problem should subside in about 2 mos.


i have a lot of the green algae on rocks, i do water changes, have good water, lots of snails and crabs, still can't seem to get rid of it. i really need help with algae problem, what harm does it do to have this hair algae? Does it harm the fish? I have a fluval felter system, one power head and wave maker,also have protein skimmer. I had a ammonia spike and lost all my fish accept scooter blenny and cleaner shrimp and cbs. water readings are
ph 8.4
ammonia 0.2
nitrate 10
nitrite 0
salinity 1.024
corals in tank doing beautiful and so is my corcea clam. Why do you think i lost fish? I have a 40 gal long. Had a yellow tank, kola tang, 2 clowns and 2 damsels. Tank was started on 9/10 with about 30 lbs live rock and ls.


Active Member
what temp are you keeping your tank at? hair algea doenst have any adverse effects on fish...it just grows really fast, is ugly and typically means the water you are using has phosphate and nitrates in it...


get a bigger skimmer. That means not one rated for your size tank but bigger. They makes the specs higher than what they really are for some reason. Get a 150 rated skimmer for an algae filled 55(use appropriate sizes for your tank) and wait two months, you will see a massive difference in water quality.