I couldn't believe it


Saturday I went with my buddy to his friends place, he's into sw fish so we went to check out his tank, the tank was about a 60 gallon,
Check out his live stock
1- 11" Niger Trigger
3- 8" Niger Triggers
1- 6" Huma Trigger
1- 5" Agassi Trigger
1- 5" Undulate Trigger
1- 5" Starry Trigger
1- 2' Unidentified EEL
1- 6" Unidentified Fish(Looks like a Grayish Pather Grouper)
He said they only fight when it's feeding time, I couldn't believe it, my two small triggers fight alot and he has a tank full of them, I was amazed at how big they get, and yet he's had them in the tank for about 9 months already, should I flame him,


Active Member
Wow, he must have a great filtration system...
Just try to respectfully educate him. Some people just dont know or dont care.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jhov2324
Saturday I went with my buddy to his friends place, he's into sw fish so we went to check out his tank, the tank was about a 60 gallon,
Check out his live stock
1- 11" Niger Trigger
3- 8" Niger Triggers
1- 6" Huma Trigger
1- 5" Agassi Trigger
1- 5" Undulate Trigger
1- 5" Starry Trigger
1- 2' Unidentified EEL
1- 6" Unidentified Fish(Looks like a Grayish Pather Grouper)
He said they only fight when it's feeding time, I couldn't believe it, my two small triggers fight alot and he has a tank full of them, I was amazed at how big they get, and yet he's had them in the tank for about 9 months already, should I flame him,

that sure is alot. well in need of a flaming but just go about it in a way that wont cause the person to go on the defence. if it was a good friend of mine i would start by saying something like. Dude your an idiot. lol but hey thats just me


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
that sure is alot. well in need of a flaming but just go about it in a way that wont cause the person to go on the defence. if it was a good friend of mine i would start by saying something like. Dude your an idiot. lol but hey thats just me
talk about species tank oiiiii

thats just insane for that small of a tank.hell thats just insane for any size tank lol


I wanted to say something but he wasn't my friend, I was just amazed at how big they where and how so many were together, I might go back to his house on the weekend and I'll post pics of it,


Active Member
first of all ...thankyou for posting the fact that this guy is way overpopulated now unfortunately some newbie will read this....get his/her tax refund run out and get 20 lg fish for a tiny tank because this guy was able to do it.... can we put a warning on these posts ...DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME.. or something.../
I know you are not at fault here.... but when we try to give proper advise , these post are commonly used against us... gets frustrating.... that or this was a troll....


OH sorry, no harm intended, I myself learned the hard way of an overpopulated tank, I just had to post this cause I never saw something like this, he's able to do this now, but he can't keep this tank running for long, SO ANYONE READING THIS POST DEFINETLY DO NOT TRY THIS,


Are you sure you didn't just have a few too many and you were actually at an LFS lookin at holding tanks?
Eventually he will kill all those fish


if he had a few too many, wouldnt there be at least 3 of everything?


Active Member
well, lets see, I think he has more inches of fish than I do in my 200 gallon tank :thinking: go ahead and flame him....