Today, I just bought my first official piece of coral, and this evening, just now, I find a crab on it. Now bear with me, my camera sucks, but any info will help!! (I hate to kill these creatures)
It's an Acropora crab (Family Xanthidae). They're completely commensal and shouldn't pose any problem with any of your corals.
Here's an Xanthidae crab in a Pocillopora colony:
Originally posted by Magic_Carp
Hey Tiz, how much you want for the crab??
Why in the world would you want it??
SPSFreak, Oooohh, you're good!!! (guess that's why your name is what it is.) You'd just better be right cause I threw it back into the coral. Thanx so much for you're reply, by the way!!!!
Tell ya what, if for some reason I am not ready to keep corals (i.e. it don't make it), I'll keep you in mind. I have a different crab, looks kinda like it only it's grey with red eyes, if I ever catch him you can have it. It looks a lot like this one, only, like I say, he's grey. I think I caught him eating coralline though, not enough to put a dent in the supply, but there are scratch marks all over it, where he lives.
They are definately blunt. I have these frag lookin' coral things next to his house and he don't mess with them, or my snails. Let's see if I can show you my frag thingies...
I don't know it was a hitch-hiker. It has no color other than what you see there. At night, it disappears and all you see is a sparkly pink glob that looks like you dropped a tablespoon of pink concrete on the rock. I found a pic. of the crab that I have... It's not MY pic, I found it doing a search...
I don't know what he's doing. I don't know if he's eating or scraping it to get to something else. I'll tell ya what though, I had him for a good 8 months before I even knew he was there!! My 9 year old pointed him out, and now that I know he's there, I still never see him. I can see his legs in his little hole, and I actually caught a full frontal view of him once, but that little sucker is fast!!!