I.D Please



Can any one help me id this coral, i was thinking it was a type of brain coral just my guess. Thanks for your help


Originally Posted by ak_reefer http:///t/394641/i-d-please#post_3512498
Looks like a Chalice to me.
Sent From my Frontal Lobes via TapaTalk!!
Thanks at first that was i thought it was... The guy at the LFS said it was a brain of some sort it was $30 bucks so i bought it. the lights are out in the tank now and i was just looking at it with a flashlight each of the little heads have feeders out it defiantly could be a chalice but its all one color i thought most chalice mouths where a different color then there body. it might change color they had just arrived at the store today so it wasn't acclimated to there tank yet, any one else care to chime in?